Extra, Extra

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There was A LOT of stuff this week. Was this week particularly good for blogging or am I just aware of more blogs and blog posts in recent weeks? Am I paying more attention because of the new networks? Am I just filtering less, and including more in the round-up? Anyway, lots of awesome.

I've really been enjoying the Replicated Typo blog lately. I particularly liked a recent post on the social sensitivity hypothesis: "Given findings that certain genetic variants will make a person more sensitive to social contact and more reliant on social contact under stress, it proposes that certain genetic variants 'fit' better with certain social structures."

The guys and gals over at Southern Fried Science just finished their first ever Ocean of Pseudoscience week. Here's a recap with all the relevant links. Ya Like Dags? also joined in the fun: Flipper is a Fraud!

Remember the "scientists go rafting" article from several weeks ago? Vaughan Bell goes beyond paddling.

George Williams died earlier this week, and Carl Zimmer looked back on an interview he had done with Williams several years ago. A great read.

Dario Ringach writes elegantly on the benefits of animal research: "A reasoned, public debate on the ethics of animal research should start with the acceptance that the fruits of such research are right in front of us."

Psychologists determine what dance moves are particularly attractive to women. The Guardian reports.

I really like this feature article in Nature about the complicated relationship between epigenetics and behavior. This rings particularly true: "Scientists who cut their teeth on in vitro systems -- with their exacting control of variables and unambiguous data -- cannot wrap their heads around messy data and tenuous links." And that's the thing about studying behavior. It's messy. We are constantly facing the problem of distinguishing signal from noise.

A new effort to get drivers to slow down involves painting illusions of 3D children in the middle of roads and parking lots. This is a terrible idea.

A stranger in half your body. Strange stuff from Mind Hacks.

The dudes at Obesity Panacea ask: Does playing Nintendo Wii really count as physical activity?

In the Guardian's Science Blogging Festival, Dorothy Bishop explains why the relationship between genes and behavior is not so straightforward.

Lots more behind the break.

At NERS: Male bowerbirds create forced perspective illusions to woo the females. Here are some more awesome illusions of forced perspective.

Get your fill of all things wet and salty at the latest Carnival of the Blue.

The latest issue of Current Directions in Psychological Science is online and open access. The topic is schizophrenia.

Do the health benefits of cycling outweigh the risks?

This picture, of an observatory shooting a laser into the center of the galaxy, is just made of awesome.

Forget what you know about good study habits, says the NY Times.

Good article about the brain's default network in the LA Times.

New history of science blog: Whewell's Ghost. I'll be keeping my eyes on it.

How one sushi chef transitioned to sustainability, at Deep Sea News.

Is Inception really a meditation on Carl Jung's theories? Vaughan Bell thinks so.

Will finding sex partners online make you sick? Dr. Pal weighs in.

Science Writing
Rebecca Skloot is coming to LA in October, to talk about her book! Who is coming with me?

Zen Faulkes gave his students an original research paper, and a blog post written about that research paper. Unsurprisingly, the blog post was more accessible, more enjoyable, and an all around better read.

Deborah Blum could have just written "install carbon monoxide detectors." What she wrote, however, was a work of art, and an example of what science writing can be.

NPR launches a blog network called the Argo Project. Some of the blogs will be about science.

USA Today uses an embargo FAIL to get an exclusive story.

Sheril made a comment on facebook, which became a blog post, about the renaissance of science writing. Some people disagreed in the comments on facebook and on her post. (I happen to agree with Sheril.) Ed Yong has a follow up analysis: are science bloggers being ambitious enough? More interesting comments there, as well.

The journalists formerly known as the media. Jay Rosen's advice to the next generation.

The Nieman Lab discusses the new Guardian science blogging network.

Academia / Careerism
Scicurious has some really good advice for anyone who does research, writes grants, or well, really anything else. Write a bible!

What does it take to become a famous scientist?

Candid Engineer asks who is best suited to writing review articles.

Dr. Isis asks "what do you call the facebook for scientists?" The answer, of course, is, well, facebook. Obviously. I think so, too.

A glimpse into a day in the life of a marine biologist. And a second glimpse.

The LabSpaces bloggers write about what they wish they knew before they knew what they now know. Biochem Belle has the round-up.

Simplistic stereotypes: under the lab coat. At the Words of Science blog.

Et al.
The Ork Posters people, who do those cool city map posters, now have ones of the brain and of the heart. One for me and one for Dr. Isis.

This shark just lost his (or her) dinner. Amazing photo.

Killer whales eat great white sharks. 'nuff said.

The Amateur Gourmet defends lunch at McDonalds. Health-related issues aside, I think it tastes gross. Except for the fries. Those are delicious.

An interesting map (via LAist) that displays the different words people use throughout the country to refer to soda.

Want to make some maple bacon popcorn? Yeah, I thought so.

Guinea pig power! Tastes like chicken. (at Wandering Gaia)


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