Extra, Extra

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Another week, another new blog network. Go say hello to the bloggers at Wired Science. Five of the six should look familiar, if you've been around Scienceblogs for a while: Brian Switek, David Dobbs, Daniel Macarthur, Maryn McKenna, Rhett Allain and Brian Romans, joined Jonah Lehrer, who had already been there a few weeks.

Melody Dye and I discussed psychology on the Bloggingheads Science Saturday program yesterday.

The second edition of the Carnal Carnival is up at Carin Bondar's place, and the theme is vomit!

Christie Wilcox tells us that, apparently, the most highly cited academic scientists also drink the most. What's the mediator variable?

National Geographic has put together a Jane Goodall Archive. Looks cool.

Was animal domestication the key to the flourishing of human civlization?

Andrew Thaler asks, what's killing California's sea otters? And David Schiffman reminds us a second time that sharks are not to blame.

From the ever-brilliant Jesse Bering: is your child a prehomosexual?

From the NY Times, a parental tug-of-war in the uterus. Of sorts.

Just $10k per year could save the world's tigers (via Scientific American)

Scientific American joins the White House in an effort to boost STEM skills.

Wray Herbert reviews "Delusions of Gender," and asks if faulty science is furthering sexism, in the Washington Post.

Jump behind the fold for the rest!

An awesome post from Jonah Lehrer, suggesting that ADHD may not truly be an attention deficit, but rather a problem with the allocation of attention. Conversations with my colleagues in clinical psychology suggests that this may indeed be the case.

This May Hurt A Bit. An interesting new blog written by a medical student. I'll be keeping my eyes on this one.

John Rennie wonders if his dog can save him from his TV.

How many species did you eat today? on The Lay Scientist.

Emily Anthes takes a look at some data from OKCupid about how online dating profiles vary according to race, and some other variables. I wonder how blogs may or may not differ on the basis of those variables.

And PsyBlog takes a broader view of online dating: 10 insights from psychological science.

Have some bacony fun with PubMed. (via Biochem Belle)

Science Writing / Science Communication
From David Wescott, an essay about the globalization of science blogging, and the growing respect for it. Some thoughts from the Nieman Journalism Lab on the same topic, as well.

An alternative view of blogging networks from Gimpyblog.

How small steps can make you a published writer and a social media ninja.

In which Ed Yong set up a collaboration between a farmer, a scientist, and a craaazy chicken.

w00t! The second episode of Bad Universe airs on October 6, directly following the season premiere of MythBusters! Congratulations, Phil!

John Scalzi to writers: find the time, or don't. It may be harsh, but I sort of agree, in the sense that I know some writers who spend more time complaining they can't write than actually writing. Doesn't mean it has to come easy, of course.

Best American Science Writing 2010 is out. Congratulations to David Dobbs, Sheril Kirshenbaum, Chris Mooney, Steve Silberman, Jonah Lehrer and all the others. (Hey, four former sciblings, not bad!)

Speaking of former sciblings, who the heck is still on scienceblogs, anyway?

Martin Robbins crowdsources a list of female bloggers - many of the names are familiar to me, but several are not, and I am excited to find a few new blogs to follow. Check out the comment thread too, as it is particularly interesting.

Academia / Careerism
Sci is doing a "Eating Grad School Style" recipe and cooking carnival. Did through your archives and send her your stuff. She and I have some other possible plans for these recipes as well.

Namnezia asks: is it possible to plagiarize yourself?

A proposal from John Wilkins for a new e-manual of sorts: how do scientists think?

Doctor Zen takes a look at some possible scenarios as scientific funding decreases. Are individuals more important than institutions, or vice versa? Or neither?

Geeka tells us a story about her post-doc advisor, who was also the IACUC chair.

The Rest
Can James Cameron and Avatar 2 help with deep sea conservation efforts?

Should LA increase maximum number of pets allowed in one home, before requiring a kennel license, from 3 to 5?

The Galapagos tortoises at the LA Zoo get a $1 million upgrade to their enclosure.

A baby squirrel, raised by a cat. Mistaken identity or evil kitty keeping her eyes on her lunch? YOU decide.

Want to taste Miriam Goldstein's run balls?

You know you're a food nerd when... you include the Chocolate and Peanut Butter Gallery in your weekly link round-up.


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