Off To See The...Blogger Wizards in North Carolina!

I'm off to BlogTogether, the North Carolina Science Bloggers Conference, this weekend. And in a perversely un-blogger like move, I am NOT taking my laptop with me so that I can blog minute-by-minute from the conference. I plan to be unplugged from my computer from, oh, approximately now until I return Sunday afternoon. Hell, I may not blog until Monday.

Besides, Mr. Zuska wants the laptop to burn some cds from his old tape collection. I won't say from which famous jam band he has about a gazillion concert tapes he made himself and/or traded for. But if you know what a Betty Board is, I don't have to tell you.

P.S. Please don't tell Mr. Zuska I wrote this. He'll be very upset. He's a very upstanding corporate citizen these days.

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Gazillion was enough of a clue! Betty Board made it easy.

I hope he enjoyed his weekend burning! And, I suspect, listening at higher than normal volumes.

Steve, who is eagerly awaiting the arrival of 12/31/76

Hee! If you didn't already know, Betty Boards wasn't going to help you any, I suppose. But it was fun to put it in.

Yes, I am pretty sure the volume was up a bit higher than usual while I was's good for the soul, you know!