2007 NC Science Conference and Blogroll Update

Just a short note to let you all know I've added a few blogs to the blogroll.

I thank Dr. Free-Ride for introducing me to A Natural Scientist. Do read this post of hers.

I had such a great time at the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference talking with Lab Cat , who has a post on the Teaching Science session and on the Illustrating Your Blog session. Yay! Lab Cat lives near me! Thanks for toting me all over Chapel Hill in your rental car, Lab Cat! I also had such a nifty time with Eva who writes Easternblot. I believe Eva will be writing about the conference for Inkling, so keep your eyes peeled.

Dr. Free-Ride has some nice stuff up about the conference. Dinner blogging here and here. A good list of questions raised at the conference (lots of questions and debate, not as many hard and fast answers, but starting the debate was part of the point of the conference). A list of links to the slide sources in her talk - which may not be as useful to you if you didn't hear the talk, but then again, may be interesting just to peruse.

Bora has so many posts I wouldn't even begin to attempt to link to them all. Just go to his blog and look for stuff posted on Jan. 19, 20, 21, 22, or thereabouts, 2007. Bora is about as wide as a matchstick and has the energy of a 3-year-old who just had a double espresso. And you, by comparison, are a very, very tired parent who didn't get any sleep last night. He is totally awesome and the very nicest person in the universe.

Later on I will blog about Dr. Free-Ride's talk, which was, I think, my favorite part of the conference.

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I will mirror this post on the Science Blogging Conference homepage. Let me know if I missed you (i.e., if you ever mentioned or intend to mention the conference on your blog). This will be updated until everyone is exhausted! Because it is going to be so long, I'll keep most of it under the…
Dr. Free-Ride has graciously put the slides from her talk at the Science Blogging Conference on the conference wiki, so I'm thinking I can go ahead and blog about the stuff I thought I couldn't blog about in my earlier post. Specifically, Dr. Free-Ride spent some time talking about conversations…
I think my favorite part of the day at the Science Blogging Conference was when Dr. Free-Ride gave her talk. It was titled "Adventures In Science Blogging: Conversations We Need To Have, and How Blogging Can Help Them". I am hoping she will turn this into a paper and publish it somewhere so I…
You can follow the conversation about the Conference by checking in, every now and then, the Blog and Media Coverage page on the wiki. The links to date can also be found under the fold... If you want your posts to be easily detected and included in the listing, please use 'scienceblogging.com' as…

Thank you so much! It was so great meeting you in person! I have to admit I yelled Hooray when I first saw you registered and it was so much fun being in the same room with you and talking to you!

I joke that Bora is invisible if he is standing sideways. What a great guy.

And what a lovely pleasure to meet you in person - I should've tried to make the rounds better at dinner and spend more time with you. I have a lot to learn about protecting my daughter as she moves on in life and will be certain to tuning in to your wisdom.

Hope the migraines stay at bay - see you again soon!

It was great fun hanging out with you! Anytime you want a driver, just yell.

I think I've finally caught up on my sleep after our mammoth chat Sat night.

I hope to get together with you sooooon.