Dusting Off the Brain

Hello again, everybody. I've not exactly been blogging up a storm lately, have I? Well, I am feeling better this week so I'm hoping to get back to a more regular blogging schedule - in between sneezes and sniffles from spring allergies. It's absolutely gorgeous here today and I can practically hear the hostas sprouting up and the tulips unfolding. Most of the bulbs I planted last fall came up this spring, including a few I don't remember planting. I am afraid my record-keeping last fall left a little something to be desired. Basically, my record-keeping consists of the labels from the bulb packets and a stack of post-its with cryptic notes scribbled on them that are supposed to indicate where each type of bulb was planted. But there's one beautiful little baby that looks sort of like a miniature hyacinth. It's not a grape hyacinth. I have no idea what it is. Well, perhaps I shall yet decode the post-its and discover its name.

I'm sitting on the porch with the laptop and hoping the slight breeze today will blow some of the dust off my brain and let me get back to thinking more sharply. Lately my brain has felt extremely dusty and rusty. I don't know if it's the headaches or the medication or both, but my thought processes have felt exceptionally murky. Well, we'll see what it's like as the week goes on. Depending upon how well I feel, I'll announce a date for the next Joy of Science class sometime later this week. Meanwhile, it's just nice to see my New Entry screen on the computer again. Nice to be feeling good today.

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