New Film About Montreal Massacre

The Chronicle News Blog has an item today on a new film about the Montreal Massacre, Polytechnique. I don't have time to do much else than tell you about it. Go read what the News Blog has to say about it. Try to ignore the inevitable ensuing pro-con gun control discussion in the comments.

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I hope you're not having one of your migraines. The article doesn't really give a good sense of what the film is like (other than b&w) or why the film-maker decided to do this. I'd like to know more about it.

Watch the trailer if you want a sense of what it is about. There's a link to it within the story. But be prepared, I had to grab a tissue.

There's another link within the story to an older story from six weeks after the shootings. From that story:

Ms. Strong-Boag says: "It's hard for young women in engineering to admit that they could have been one of those killed in Montreal.
I don't expect public statements of feminism from them. What I expect is a lot of denial, because that's the only thing that allows them to live in that hostile world."

I think this phenomena will make this a very emotional film for many. I had an brief moment of feeling myself in the place of the victims, just while watching the trailer, and it brought tears to my eyes. But I think it is so important for us as individuals and as a society to face this. We can't keep pretending that there are not people out there who believe this is what "feminist bitches" deserve.