I'm the ER

I guess that's why I study it. I usually never take these dumb online quiz things but provoked by another science blogger's entry I did this one anyway ... and yes I'm the ER.

You scored 46 Industriousness, 48 Centrality, and 7 Causticity!

You're the Endoplasmic reticulum! The ER modifies proteins, makes macromolecules, and transfers substances throughout the cell. It has its own membrane, and translation of mRNA happens within it. You tend to have two sides to you - sort of a jekyll and Hyde kind of story. One side of you tends to be rough and tumble, but also very useful. Your other side is less well-defined and slightly more mysterious.

PS I have no clue what the stats mean.

[Update - the formatting was screwed-up so much of the house formating was clipped away - to take your own test click here.]


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