Well if the government won't do it ...

With everything going on in the world (polticaly, environmentally and otherwise), you would think that the US government would pump money into developing technology that allows for cheaper, cleaner, more reliable, more sustainable sources of energy. These technologies would not only allow us to prosper (lots of cheep energy = increased productivity), but also to decrease our dependence on middle east oil (for obvious reasons).

So com'on folks! Lets build nuclear power plants, fund research into fusion power, or at the very least try to make our current energy usage more efficient.

But if the government won't do it, other must encourage it.

The Lemelson-MIT Awards, given to individuals who have made the world a whole lot better through their innovative inventions has launched a new prize: The Lemelson-MIT Award for Sustainability.

From their website:

Today's world needs inventors focused on sustainable change. The $100,000 Lemelson-MIT Award for Sustainability celebrates individuals whose inventions and innovations enhance economic opportunity and community well-being in developing and/or developed countries, while protecting and restoring the natural environment.

The $100,000 Lemelson-MIT Award for Sustainability is bestowed to inventors whose products or processes are viable and sustainable, and have high potential to improve the quality of life for future generations. The award serves to increase awareness of local or global sustainability issues and inventors working in these critical areas, and also supports continued inventive work of these individuals.

For more info, (or to nominate someone) visit their website, http://mit.edu/invent/a-award.html

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