Now on C-SPAN3 - Hearings on the NIH Fiscal Year 2008

Click here to watch now. It's over.

To read Elias Zerhouni's statement click here.

A pretty good presentation. Zerhouni was joined by some department heads (including our own, Joan Brugge).
Some highlights:
-The approval rate of first time RO1s by first time investigators is down from 15% in the mid 90s to 5%.
-Students are not entering science as they see a lack of opportunity.
-Investigators are spending more and more time writing grants and less time performing research and mentoring.
-High risk, high impact science is suffering the most. When budgets get tight, risky projects don't make the cut.

Too bad Arlen Specter (the Republican Senator and joint-chair of the panel) wasn't around.

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