"Revenge of the Nerds" meets "American Idol"

Help 25 of the top high school innovators design the future! On March 29th, the Spirit of Innovation Awards challenges YOU to vote for your favorite teams and help select this year's "Pete Conrad Scholars!" Over the past 6 months, 25 finalist teams have created real products to solve some of the grand challenges facing society. From the depths of the oceans to the edges of space, these students will knock your socks off! Piezo-electric wallpaper, robotic astronaut assistants, advanced water purification systems, and Navajo Solar "Frybread" ovens; these are just a few of the amazing products high school students are designing. To see all of the teams check out www.conradawards.org, and remember, online voting is open March 29th through April 9th. Winners will be announced April 10th during the 2010 Innovation Summit at NASA Ames Research Center.

What is so exciting about this competition for the USA Science and Engineering Festival, is that the best of the best will be coming to the festival to show off their inventions!! So when the polls open on March 29th...go vote for who you would like to see at the Festival in the Fall! More to come on voting starting next week. Mark you calendars.

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Vote now for your favorite high school innovators! 25 top high school teams have been designing the future. Its not science fiction. Here, education meets innovation and entrepreneurship, and real science gets real. Teams have created innovative products to solve some of the grand challenges facing…
Only TWO Days left to vote for the Spirit of Innovation Awards! Have you voted yet? Check out www.conradawards.org for more information on all of the teams, their products, and to submit your vote! For the past week and a half I have posted different videos from the different divisions. The three…
Day three for voting for the spirit of innovation awards is upon us. Check out www.conradawards.org for more information on all of the teams, their products, and to submit your vote! Here are a few videos of teams up for the Spirit of Innovation award. The Piezo-Paper invention. A quick demo of…
TODAY is the last day to vote for Spirit of Innovation Awards! Have you voted yet? Check out www.conradawards.org for more information on all of the teams, their products, and to submit your vote! For the past week and a half I have posted different videos from the different divisions. The three…