You CAN do the Rubik's Cube

i-b5dbd3da0d98768cbd025e989b96c904-YCTRCofficiallogo.jpgWe are one month away from the USA Science & Engineering Festival, and we here at the You CAN Do The Rubik's Cube program are gearing up for what is sure to be a great event.  As many of you who have been following this blog know, we will be in attendance to host and cheer on the first-ever Rubik's Cube tournament on the National Mall in Washington D.C.  High school and elementary school students from Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia will be making the trip to our nation's capital to showcase their talents and compete. 

Each school's team, comprised of 8 students each, will work to collectively solve 25 Rubik's Cubes in the shortest amount of time.  The energy will be high and the crowd will be wild - so we hope that you consider registering a team if you haven't already!  More than 60 schools are already registered to compete in the preliminary tournament the week of the USA Science and Engineering Festival. All teams must register by October 1st to be eligible to compete.

As young and talented minds from all over the country descend on Washington D.C. this October, we're incredibly excited to see all of the exhibitors and festival partners, and are honored to be a part of the congregation.  America has long-thrived on innovation and it's important to remain ahead of the curve when it comes to science, technology, mathematics and engineering.  

September also marks a milestone for the You CAN Do The Rubik's Cube program as we enter our second full school year as an educational program.  To-date, more than 1,600 schools in the U.S. are using our math education kit to teach fundamental math disciplines like area, perimeter, volume, angles, and algorithms.  We have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from teachers nationwide using our program, who have indicated that the program is "a gold mine of thinking strategies" for students, fostering better attention in the classroom and a greater interest in schoolwork.

For more information about how you can register your student team for the USA SEF You CAN Do The Rubik's Cube tournament, please visit

To learn more about the You CAN Do The Rubik's Cube program, please visit  You can also connect with us at

We hope to see you in October!

The You CAN Do The Rubik's Cube team

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The first thing I did with my cube in the 80's was to pull it apart to find out why the corner cubes didn't fall off...

Solving a rubicks cube quickly is really a test of memory and dexterity since it is done by applying a memorised algorithm.

The only person I know who solved one from scratch was my dear old dad who is a 77yo retired engineer. It took him several weeks and a few notepads to do it but personlly I think solving one from scratch is a much more impressive feat of engineering intellect than solving one quickly using someone else's algorithim.