More Bloggers Bioblitzing Across the Sphere

i-15eb81a23c3608c0e7b48b3ddf3b8988-bloggerbioblitzlogo_mini_nobirdy.jpgFrom Ontario to Greece to Panama, what are participating bloggers finding out in the field? This thread will be constantly updated throughout the week, blog carnival style, compiling all of the bioblitzes that are being conducted. Please contact me if you have something up; I'll make sure I add it to the list.

Don't forget to check out all of the participant's photos at the Flickr group (over 300 photos now).

For info about the Blogger Bioblitz, follow the links:

Blogger Bioblitzes are below the fold. New blitzes are in bold.

Miconia gives us a short preview of the upcoming results in Panama at A Neotropical Savanna, followed by a link to more photos. The final post includes an extensive list of organisms with corresponding thumbnails, maps and plots, data lists - a truly impressive contribution.

Harry Rutherford bioblitzed Crete, Greece and posted in two parts: A bit of background on his trip and a nice narrative stringing together some beautiful pics of migratory birds from a nearby resevoir. His final post, a ton of great pics and a long list of results can be found here.

The folks at Cornell Mushroom Blog and Migrations participated in the Ithaca Bioblitz. Check out fungi diversity here.

Cyndy rubs her hands together in anticipation, sharing some pics of her bioblitz traps. Here's her first and second preliminary reports, complete with pics of found flora and fauna. For her list of critters, including a couple of pics of stem-dwelling inverts, see her latest post.

Bioblitzing at the Northwest Passage means adventuring in a canoe down Kemptville Creek. In the last post at NW Passage, join them for final thoughts and a little cookout.

Bev from Burning Silo had a great day in the field, finding dozens of birds, evidence of beavers and a huge snapping turtle. Her second day was partially spent in a bog, where she found a beautiful specimen of pitcher plant. Definitely worth a look. Two more updates from Bev: the process of photo compilation and data collection. Bev finishes up her prolific week with some thoughts on the beaver dam near her home.

Celeste gives us a very descriptive natural history of the area she will bioblitz in Oregon at Dzonoqua's Whistle. Nice touch. In her second post, she presents a staggering list of plants found, with pics and specific geographical info, followed by a nice cross section of fungus diversity in the Western US. Celeste's fourth post is all about the critters. In her final post, Celeste wraps things up with another list and some concluding thoughts.

Numenius from The Magpie Nest bioblitzed Putah Creek in North Central California, concentrating on both vascular plants and birds.

The Birdfreak team had a prolific blitz at Callaway Nature Preserve in Illinois, providing a long list and a few photos (including the cutest pic of a White-throated sparrow).

Matt Goff at SitkaNature had a pair of snowy weekend bioblitzes in chilly Alaska, but found a number of marine mammals and birds, fungi and lichens despite the snow.

Wildlife artist Carel Brest van Kempen reviews his site , giving not only the natural history but the comings and goings of its human inhabitants. In his second and third posts, Carel gives us the details: A detailed map, some more history and his staggering list of finds.

At Here Be Dragons, Wendy and her son blitzed their backyard in Contra Costa County, California.

Pam from Thomasburg Walks blitzed Ontario, finding one of my favorite plant ever, Skunk cabbage (also found in bogs in the Appalachians). Her second post is more extensive; she chronicled all the finds from this past Saturday and Monday. And for the last day of B3, Pam has some lovely lichens for us.

Bill has the first pic up from his blitzin' weekend over at Oaksong's Nemeton. Followed by a second, third and fourth photo. You can catch his narrative and species list here (cheers on the hominid find). Day two for Bill and Abby, plus another pic of the amphibious denizens of the pond. Bill finishes up with a final tally.

Neil from microecos tackles a backyard in California, finding a treasure trove of beautiful inverts. For days two and three, a pond and, in all its biodiverse glory, a log.

Janet from Adventures in Ethics and Science took the Sprogs out for a day in the wild, where they cataloged their finds with notes, pictures and illustrations (the illustrations, of course, are the best).

Wayne has posted two blitzes at Niches, one at Goulding Creek and the from a mayapple forest. On day three, Wayne concentrated on insects. More inverts for day four at Niches, this time with an emphasis on a few beautiful spiders. Day six and seven are pending.

Susannah blitzes her backyard and a small lot in Cali BC, Canada. She ended her bioblitz by dragging out the magnifying glass to look more closely at the hidden critters in her garden.

Seedsaside has posted results from a blitz in Pittsburgh, PA, neatly ordered and comprehensive.

Dan has video-blogged his bioblitz of the garden of the First Unitarian Church in New Bedford, Massachusetts, the first blogger to use that medium for his survey. In post number two, Dan begins the process of identification.

Mike didn't quite find 10,000 Birds in the Bronx, but he still found plenty of critters to blog about. Blitz number two was in Tibbett's Brook Park. Mike mixes business with birding in his third post this week. Raptors are in season.

Mike Powers of The Feather and the Flower reveals a sliver of his first bioblitz.

John from A DC Birding Blog bioblitzed the Anacostia Watershed with the Earth Conservation Corps this past weekend, and has posted the results along with a link to an article about their efforts in the Washington Post.

Fellow SciBling Karmen from Chaotic Utopia evaluates her sites in Colorado, complete with images from Google Earth. In her second post, Karmen has a pair of great pics - a peeking prairie dog and a beautiful heron. Fifteen minutes after it stopped raining, Karmen went back out to the first site she blitzed, taking the opportunity to see who was crawling out from under cover.

Julie from Pines Above Snow is almost overwhelmed with ant taxonomy, after finding a number of mounds on her blitz.

Greg Laden has a preliminary report up, including a partial list of finds, some geography of the site and some great pics.

Diane saw a black bear during her blitz, among many other things, posted at Science Made Cool.

Carolyn from Roundtop Ruminations blogs about her first day of bioblitzin' from a cabin in the Pennsylvania woods. I'm green with envy [grass stains], Carolyn.

Nuthatch had a long day out in the field, but came out with a unique find, Woodlouse Spider. For the second post, Nuthatch did (what else) a bird census at work.

Jen from The Infinite Sphere blitzed the Alabama wilderness, posting a nice, long wildflower photo essay.

Heather and I found a nice smattering of birds and mammals, including a huge raven and a skittering muskrat.

Ruth from Body, Soul and Spirit didn't think she was qualified enough to join the Blogger Bioblitz. I think she's wrong; she had some great results from a beautiful little marsh.

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