Four Days Until Oekologie #6

Have you sent your best ecology and environmental science entries to Greg?


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Greg Laden has a newspaper style carnival of the best ecology and environmental science posts from the past month. A lovely brain snack for the weekend.
Linnaeus' Legacy No. 14: A Carnival of Diversity Encephalon 60, A Neuroscience Blog Carnival Hourglass VI: A carnival of biogerontology Grand Rounds 5:12 - Healthcare Reform Q&A Carnival of Homeschooling #154: Anniversary Gifts Christmas Recipes Carnival of the Recipes Carnival of Cinema: A…
If you go here you will find downloadable podcasts of this conference: Second Queensland Biohumanities Conference, Philosophy of Ecology, held 29-30th June, 2006: Introduction by Prof. Paul Griffiths, and Mathematical Models in Ecology and Conservation Biology: Mark Colyvan The Agony of Community…
Oekologie #5 is coming to Fish Feet in just a few days. Have you submitted your best ecology/environmental science posts yet?

No, I've been bad... I need to get cracking. I'm reading Aldo Leopold's A Sand County Almanac right now, so maybe I can turn that into some kind of post...