Are You Doing Climate Change Research in the Rockies? Take This Survey

Found this on ECOLOG this morning:

Dear Colleagues:

We are writing to invite your participation in a survey of wildlife
responses to climate change in the Rocky Mountains. Results of this
important project will help frame policy decision making, media reports to
the public, and the direction of future science and management programs.

Climate change is no longer a matter of "what if" or "when." The
scientific community agrees: a growing body of evidence indicates that
human activities are causing unprecedented disruptions to the global
climate system. Furthermore, it is clear that these changes in climate
are already having impacts on wildlife populations - ranges and
phenologies are shifting, natural communities are being disrupted, and
some scientists report that they have already documented species
extinctions. As conservation biologists, resource managers, and policy
makers we need to start asking ourselves "what do we do?" How do we
respond - constructively, strategically, and in a timely manner - to
conservation challenges which are so grand in scale, complex, and fraught
with uncertainties?

We start by taking the first step. The Natural Resources Defense Council
(NRDC) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) have partnered together
to: 1) assess current wildlife responses to climate change, 2) identify
the conservation principles and practices necessary to enable wildlife
species to withstand regional climate change, and 3) translate the study
findings into useful guidance for resource managers and policy makers.
The project is being piloted in the Rocky Mountains of the US and Canada.

The specifics and the survey is below the fold.

You can help:

1) If you have published studies and/or data relevant to climate change
research in the Rocky Mountains, please fill out the attached survey (see
below)and send it to Dr. Jamie K. Reaser no later than July 20th (c/o
Ravens Ridge Farm, 1207 Bull Yearling Road, Stanardsville, Virginia 22073,

Hard copy reprints or a PDF of relevant publications will be greatly
appreciated. *Please note that although the general focus of this study is
on "wildlife" responses to climate change, NRDC and WCS recognize that
many factors (e.g., changes in invasive plant species and pathogen
dynamics) are likely to act as indirect climate change influences on
wildlife populations. Therefore, we also welcome information from studies
applicable to wildlife, but not necessarily on wildlife.

2) If the Rocky Mountains are not your area of study interest, please
support the project by distributing this call for information through
relevant list-serves and to colleagues working in the Rockies.

The results of the survey will be used to design a conference tentatively
entitled "Wildlife Responses to Climate Change in the Rocky Mountains:
Envisioning an Urgent and Unprecedented Conservation Plan" to be held in
late 2007. Survey respondents will be given priority for participation in
this landmark, invite-only meeting. The outcomes of the conference will
in turn be used to develop publications, presentations, media events, and
other resources for policy makers and natural resource managers.
Respondents will also be considered potential collaborators in these

We look forward to receiving your contributions and working with you in
the near future.


Dr. Gabriela Chavarria Dr. Molly Cross
DirectorNorth American Climate Change Initiative
NRDC Science CenterWildlife Conservation Society


In support of NRDC and WCS, please return this information to Dr. Jamie K.
Reaser no later than July 20th (c/o Ravens Ridge Farm, 1207 Bull Yearling
Road Stanardsville, Virginia 22973, USA;

Respondent Name:


Phone number(s):


Part 1: Completed and in Progress Studies

1.Five key words that describe your work in the Rockies:

2.Please briefly summarize your work in the Rockies (approximately 300

3.List of your relevant publications:

Note: We would greatly appreciate a copy of your publication(s) in PDF or
hard copy format.

Part 2: Not-Yet-Applied Data Sets

1.Do you have data that have not previously been used to evaluate
wildlife responses to climate change in the Rockies but which you believe
could be applied in this regard? If so, please answer the questions
below. If not, please proceed to Part 3.

2.Initial intent for data collection:

3.Variables in the data set(s):

4.Time period covered by the data set(s):

Part 3: Research Applications

1.Have you previously communicated your research findings to resource
managers and/or policy makers? If so, please answer the questions below.
If not, proceed to question 5.

2.Who was your target audience(s).

3.What message(s) did you intend to convey?

4.Through what means did you communicate your message(s)?

5.Are you interested in working with the NRDC-WCS team to communicate
your research findings to resource managers and policy makers? - through
professional meetings, professional publications, popular press
publications, legislative briefings, press releases or other media event
(circle all that apply).


Jamie K. Reaser, PhD
Ecos Systems Institute
c/o Ravens Ridge Farm
1207 Bull Yearling Road
Stanardsville, VA 22973


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