Brief musical interlude

My house got broken into last week, and then we had a rock thrown through a window a few days later (possibly related). So I had to deal with a bunch of stuff last week, and am still dealing with stuff today, and I need to catch up at work, yada yada yada....

All of which is to say the post I wanted to write about TLR's being involved in itching sensation (me? neuroscience?), might have to be postponed until tomorrow. In the mean-time, I hope you enjoy this song I've been listening to a lot recently.

What sort of music do you listen to to get through stressful/eventful times?


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That sounds really awful with your house - I hope you manage to get things sorted soon.

In terms of music - when I'm feeling really stressy I usually go for proper old-school metal and hard rock. Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath usually do it. Listening to Black Sabbath playing "iron man" a few times is nicely cathartic - and also for a brief period of time kills my hearing ability, so I can't hear anything else to upset me :)

Sorry about your house. How close are you to Montreal? I noticed Dennis M'abuse posting on your other article.

Your SITN link needs to be updated to include the "HTTP://" or something, because it's defaulting to a scienceblogs URL.

Thanks - fixed.

We're about 6 hours from Montreal. I haven't been up to Canada since I was like 7 years old, but I should make a point of getting up there some time soon.

This is disturbing. You are "stressy"? I would think so. Is this being investigated? Are you on someone's `1et's get that guy and his microbes' list?

It's my first time reading your blog, and maybe none of my business, but you brought it up.