Viruses, science and beer, Oh My!

Attention: Boston-based Beasties

Tomorrow is the second Tuesday of June, and you know what that means: an all new Science by the Pint. From the organizers:

As always, Science by the Pint is at 7:00pm on the second Tuesday of the month (June 14th) at Tavern in the Square in Porter Square. Tavern in the Square will provide a $10 gift card for every 10 people in attendance to raffle off as a door prize. Science by the Pint is primarily a mingling event, but there should be ample table space available. If you plan to eat dinner, make sure to arrive early to get a seat and to get your orders in!

This month, Mike Farzan of Harvard Medical School will bring his lab to chat with you about interactions between viruses and host cells (like those in your body). They'll be ready to take your questions and engage you in conversation all night.

And Bonus! This week, Christie Wilcox of Observations of a Nerd will be joining us.

Extra Bonus: the first three folks to mention this post get a round on me! See you there!


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