Things that ROCK: A punk song with the words "mass-spec," as well as lyrics that rhyme control with rock'n'roll


Well, finally a science song that kicks ass!

This one has been humbly adopted as the Science Scout's anthem. It's called "Increase the N," and comes courtesy from a local Vancouver band called HEFE. Click here for their myspace account, and check out the song on their embedded player.

Why, "Increase the N?"

Because science is all about making sure, building consensus, and honing the truth - you can't do that without doing the experiment enough times to convince yourself and others of what you see.

Oh and the bit about mass-spec? Check out the lyrics below if you're not convinced., and spread the word if you also happen to think the song is that kind of good.

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There's a trend but the error is big
increase the N
the rat's no good use the guinea pig
increase the N
the antibody's weak the background high
increase the N
my P value is bigger than pi
increase the N

increase the N
ramp it up
i need another hundred let's cut it up
my wild-type is out of control
increase the N let's rock'n'roll

the blot is shit the signal strong
increase the n
it's above control there's something wrong
increase the n
mass-spec it baby give me the truth
increase the n
once is not enough i need proof
increase the n

(chorus and repeat everything as necessarily)

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