Four Stone Hearth Call for Submissions

i-eabb1f29b193e5ffd742784099f71575-upcoming_host-2.gifAt short notice, I've taken on hosting the next Four Stone Hearth blog carnival (about anthropology in the widest sense, including archaeology). It's supposed to come on-line on Wednesday. The carnival's home page currently doesn't reflect the change in scheduling, so you'll simply have to believe me.

There is one small problem. I haven't received a single submission yet. This means that I will have to hunt around pertinent blogs I'm aware of to find good new stuff. Please help me by sending links to good stuff, your own or somebody else's!


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TH is my second cousin, though our politics differ, and he gets more hits in an hour than I do on a good day (low 4 digit Technorati rank). The comment thread is a hoot!

T-shirts and coffee mugs will be made available once I have 100 daily returning readers, my dear boy.

Tim, thanks for the link! Good stuff.