Hopeful Buttons Again

Time to ask the regulars to push some buttons again. (You do realise that this is just an experiment in behavioristic psychology?)

On average, this blog sees about 90 daily visits from returning readers. If, on average, the blog's regulars visit the site only every second day, this means that I have about 180 steady readers. Yet at the moment, Aard has only been favourited by ten people on Technorati and graded by twelve on Bloggtoppen.

See those buttons below my profile, top left? Go, kids, go! Push the buttons! Push, push, push! Buttons, buttons, buttons! If you do, I will absolve you of all your sins and give you the gift of eternal life.


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I tried to favorite you only to get the message that "aardvarchaeology is already one of your favorites." Apparently, I'm already one of the ten. Do I still get eternal life?

Push, push, push! Buttons, buttons, buttons! If you do, I will absolve you of all your sins and give you the gift of eternal life.

That's a pretty good bargain. Those other guys want a lifetime of obedience and tithing.

Maybe if you could promise not to say bad things about trilobites anymore...

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 15 May 2007 #permalink

Okay, I've done both (actually I registered at Technorati.com to do this). ;-)

What I've learned from couple of years of web-mastering is that to know how often regulars return one has to divide by 2. If you post once a week, regulars return biweekly.

So if I post 32 times a week, they'll be back roughly 16 times? Boy, those are crappy odds.

Anyway, Martin, I fave'd you along with yet another link on my blog.

There's no dependable way to check how often an individual reader returns. Many use different computers, and even those who use only one can have a different IP address every time they start it. When I say they come only every second day, I base this on anecdotal evidence.

James, I read some 'researches' on web-usability, and 'divide by 2' rule seemed to work... at least 5 yrs. ago.

Consistency of blogging is the key. But generally, yes, we cannot know how often we return. It's post-modern times, damnit.

By Denis Vlasov (not verified) on 17 May 2007 #permalink