David Nessle

i-514634ebc24ee99f465af16c1baa7e1a-24s40-teck-646.jpgDavid Nessle is a Swedish comic artist, author, editor, translator, sf fan and blogger. His blog is without any serious competition the wittiest one I've encountered in the Swedish language, and I read it religiously. Recent themes of his blogging have been a Saami version of "Ghost Riders in the Sky", an ongoing tiff among Swedish poets, amateurish 60s comics, small-town Swedish food packaging, what to do with all one's books, his collection of plastic action figures and classic dinosaur artist Zdenek Burian. Go read!

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I feel obliged, must make one; I made a small attempt to translate the last verse of "Ghost Riders in the Sky" as a little (small?)
gift to a the petty cryptorasists that sometimes pop up their heads through the dirt from the bottom af the graves (from the second world war?). And not to mention the cryptomachoists that also pop up from the unconsciuos or bottom of some sort of rest of the brain, I guess(?)
"Have it"

The army wanted to make me a "Crypto Officer". Apparently something about cryptography. But I prefer to think of it as an officer who gives orders secretely.

Could be, could be. But it can also be something that you didn´t realise was there. You could feel it, even if you dont see it. It´s the eerie feeling that something stands too close to you, maybe and often behind your back. And if you tell someone about it they think that either you are too sensitive, or...but it is time that gives experience (sexism, or racism...sometimes?).
Nice that you really were there and answered;-)