Swedish Summer Evening

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After my daughter went to bed I took GPS navigator and camera and rode my bike out past the golf course and into the woods to look for a new geocache only 1.5 kms from my home. Took some pix for y'all -- and found the cache.

Above is shown the main street of Fisksätra at sundown. Lots of people from all around the world taking an evening walk, kids hanging around, and near the camera Eddie the goldsmith and his tall girlfriend on their way out for a barbecue dinner by the lake.


Lake Lundsjön. The cliffs to the left are mine and my wife's favourite spot for a swim.


Lake Trehörningen, a few steps from the geocache. I wouldn't have found reason to go here and see this view without the cache!


For some reason the golf people run the pump for this fountain even late in the evenings.


Our ground-floor neighbours are wonderfully gregarious and spend lots of time in the little garden room outside their apartment, right beside the entrance to our house. Very friendly people who have really improved the atmosphere since they moved in.


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