800 Hidden Plastic Jars

The other day somebody hid a geocache a short bike ride from my house at a spot where, I now know, an orienteering-themed fraternal order was founded in 1930. Today I rode out and became the second person to log the cache. And coming home I realised it was my 800th find since I started 8 years ago!

My geocaching stats reveal a hobby that starts as an obsession and mellows out into an on-and-off thing.

Finds no 1-100 took 2 months.
101-200 took 8 months (because of winter).
201-300 took 3 months.
301-400 took 4 months.
401-500 took 7 months.
501-600 took 1 year.
601-700 took c. 2½ years.
701-800 took c. 2½ years.

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Sometime after geocache 400 it looks like you started your current scheldue of working 25 hours a day :)

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 09 May 2013 #permalink

"working 25 hours a day" I'm beginning to know how it feels.

And in the grand OT tradition:
SMS just received from wife, who is travelling: "Qing Dao is huge and mordent." Me: "Huge and what???" Wife: "Huge and advance." OK, well, I'll try.

Wife continues: "Went to an ancient military island this morning." No idea whether to believe this now or not.

By John Massey (not verified) on 10 May 2013 #permalink

But back OT, my late father's life comprised a series of totally unrelated obsessions, which occurred at a rate of about a new obsession once every 2 to 3 years. Bee keeping, making remote controlled model aircraft, pottery, basket weaving, writing short stories, sketching ladies with no clothes on, woodwork...when I was about 4, he was suddenly overcome by an overwhelming urge to weave Scottish tartan woollen scarves. So he acquired a loom, and began making these things, until he had supplied scarves in a variety of lurid tartans to just about everyone we knew, whether they wanted one or not. He never learned how to weave anything else, just scarves.The obsession then evaporated, and the loom resided permanently above the rafters in our garage, until someone finally came and demolished the house and garage, and presumably the loom with it.

To your credit, you may have got over the hump of the obsession, but you've kept at it, at a more or less sustainable rate.

By John Massey (not verified) on 10 May 2013 #permalink

John, was your wife trying to say that the city of Qingdao is modern?

Your dad's obsessions sound quite fascinating! Scarves indeed! I tend to acquire new hobbies more rarely and keep them for longer, I believe.

Lind and Mörner have published in a fake journal again, ho hum... The Canadian Center for Science and Education is on Jeff Beall's blacklist. http://scholarlyoa.com/publishers/

At least Lind and Mörner have not gone into "Biblical archaeology" or "ancient astronauts".
John, your wife is better at using those itsy bitsy keyboards than I am, typo-wise.
Obsessions: in the nineties, I started to read Nature and Science every week and copy articles that looked important, even if I did not understand the jargon. The copying costs must have been on a par with what a smoker pays for cigarrettes. And I could not throw away the binders full of articles. A very academic form of OCD.

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 11 May 2013 #permalink

Yes, she meant modern. She was impressed with Qing Dao, but it is too big for her to want to live there.

The most useful hobby my Dad ever had was bee keeping. I rapidly got used to playing around the hives in our front garden, and even became accustomed to robbing the hives of honey, clothed appropriately. European honey bees are sweethearts, and I received only one sting over a period of years of very close proximity to the hives, which I think was an accident - the bee crawled up my arm and got caught up under the sleeve of my shirt, and I think it sensed the pressure from the shirt sleeve as an attack, so it stung. It was trivial, I have absolutely no sensitivity to bee stings. But my poor father turned out to be allergic to them. We got a lot of good honey, much of which was inevitably given to neighbours.

I had a colleague who did what you did, Birger.

By John Massey (not verified) on 12 May 2013 #permalink