Science Blogging Study

A couple of other bloggers here at Sb are writing a paper on the impact of science blogs on the outside world. You, Dear Reader, can help them by filling out a questionnaire.

This survey attempts to access the opinions of bloggers, blog-readers, and non-blog folk in regards to the impact of blogs on the outside world. The authors of the survey are completing an academic manuscript on the impact of science blogging and this survey will provide invaluable data to answer the following questions:
  • Who reads or writes blogs?
  • What are the perceptions of blogging, and
  • What are the views of those who read blogs?
  • How do academics and others perceive science blogging?
  • What, if any, influence does science blogging have on science in general?

Please consider participating in the survey as an act of 'internet solidarity'! It will likely take 10 minutes, and a bit more if you are a blogger yourself. We thank you in advance.


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I tried, but I got slightly confused by some of the questions which seemed a bit odd. Is this a survey about Scienceblogs(tm) or a survey on blogs about science?

I don't give much for studies with questionnaires on the internet that anybody can answer. The bias is likely huge and in order to get a representative sample you need a random selection of some kind.

Just take a look at the questions asked on the newspapers web sites. A fun example in todays Dagens Nyheter, with an article claiming that one third of the Swedes have registered that they don't want to be contacted by telephone salesmen. In the accompanying questionnaire at Dagens Nyhters website 81% of the polled answer that they have registered.

Alun--the latter. Nothing about ScienceBlogs (TM) in particular.

Mats, we're certainly aware of that bias. But do you have a good idea on a better way to reach readers of science blogs? Note that we have no funding for this right now...

That's a help. I was confused by the question about whether there were enough science blogs or if there should be more. I don't know how many science blogs there are. I'm not sure if anyone does.

Apart from Coturnix, obviously. :)

So why do you think there are anonymous science blogs? I wouldn't much trust them myself. Tho I guess it could hurt your employment in some circumstances if it is more politics than sci.