Science blogging survey

Check out The Impact of Science Blogging Survey. Below the fold is an explanation:

This survey attempts to access the opinions of bloggers, blog-readers, and non-blog folk in regards to the impact of blogs on the outside world. The authors of the survey are completing an academic manuscript on the impact of science blogging and this survey will provide invaluable data to answer the following questions:

Who reads or writes blogs?

What are the perceptions of blogging, and what are the views of those who read blogs?

How do academics and others perceive science blogging?

What, if any, influence does science blogging have on science in general?

Please consider participating in the survey as an act of 'internet solidarity'! It will likely take 10 minutes, and a bit more if you are a blogger yourself. We thank you in advance.


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"This survey is currently closed".....and has been for a while. This means either it will be open again later or it won't. (You can tell I'm not stupid, can't you?)

I wouldn't care that much, but I have developed a definite opinion about the importance of science blogs in communicating information which is politically unpopular or in contradiction to much of what is peddled in popular science and repeated like a mantra, not to mention the press, and was hoping the survey would give an opportunity to say that.

Now that I've said it, maybe I don't care that much.

By Sandgroper (not verified) on 18 Sep 2007 #permalink