Djurhamn Fieldwork Mopup


Today we finished fieldwork at the find spot of the sword I wrote about yesterday. Sieved 5 sqm without a single non-recent find, but the only way to know is to sieve. My dad came out with a pulley and removed the hazel stump that had been sitting on the sword, so we're pretty damn sure there wasn't anything else of interest within the confines of that trench.


Immediately outside the trench, though, began a quay foundation, taking the form of a straight c. 20 m long stensträng, a line of stone blocks, at a right angle to the incline. You can see it as a diagonal from top left to bottom right in the above picture. Very unlikely to be a random occurrence that the sword turned up right beside it. In the foreground are the four corner markers of our back-filled little trench.


One of today's workers was friendly local mechanic and carpenter Rune Ehrsson. He brought a fine piece of Late Medieval or Early Modern pottery to show us: a glazed earthenware tripod sauteing pan (anyone got a better fix on the date?). Rune was at the oars once in the mid-40s when his grandma Alma pulled the pot out of the water in her fishing net, not far from the Djurhamn inlet. Rune has offered the pot to a museum, but they declined because they had so many intact ones already.


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Very unlikely to be a random occurrence that the sword turned up right beside it.

Exactly. That's why the ninja frogman hypothesis makes so much sense.

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 02 Oct 2007 #permalink

This is rather a frying pan, they turn up in the 15th century and they goes oaut of productin during the 18th century. This type of pottery is very hard to give a precise date if you can´t bind it to an archaeological context.

OK, so some posh kid got drunk and started waving his expensive new sword about. Fortunately someone had their wits about them, snuck up behind him, and brained him with the sauteuse - a good choice in terms of size vs weight and wieldability. Stunned, he dropped the pigsticker over the quayside in the sea.

Any questions?

It's not a sauteuse - it's a wok!

... also released in Asia by the lesser-known group the Dile Stlaits...

In 19th century in Yankeeland, this skillet on 3 or 4 legs was a "spider."