And It Went Wherever I Did Go

I'm spending tomorrow in a cultic field with Per Vikstrand and a metal detector. So I reckon it were best if we all had a look at the druggiest bit in all of Monty Python first.

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We finished machining away the ploughsoil today, and I reckon we've uncovered about 800 square meters. I have a permit for 1200 sqm, but I stopped here. The landowner doesn't want us to expand in the most interesting direction where we have more cool metal-detector finds. And the directions that…
Had a beautiful day in the field with Per Vikstrand today. He has a new metal detector, a C-scope 1220R, and it seemed to work very well. Not that the stuff we found was terribly interesting: four man-hours in the Field of St. Olaf garnered us only a flint chip and a piece of slag apart from the…
Certain place names over most of agricultural Scandinavia suggest that sacred fields were once prominent features of the landscape there. This was in the 1st Millennium AD, the period I work with. We have places named Field of Thor, Field of Freyr, Field of Frigga, or just Field, and all tend to…
This entry was first published over the cell-phone network on my old site, without pix, on Monday 9 April. This morning I woke up in an unexpected and not very welcome winter wonderland. Driving the 2.5 hours to Linköping on summer tyres was scary. But the snow was gone by lunch. An icy wind…

I didn't know you posted home videos on your blog. Anyway, you look great in that blonde wig with the red highlights.

Oh sh*t, it's Mr. Creosote!

Will you be looking for fish?


NLO Army, let me explain something to you.

Calling people faggots and cross-dressers is simply ineffectual as an insult around here. We're largely liberals: we don't have a problem with homosexuality or gender ambiguity. And we're largely old enough to be comfortable with our sexuality: whether straight or gay, we don't feel threatened when someone questions our orientation. I've been practicing mine quite energetically for over 20 years now, and I'm not afraid that someone might suddenly pounce upon me and change it.