New Swedish Fantasy Novel

i-085e636542e9cb3bb021a723f7cae59b-Tungelblodet.gifMy erudite friend Florence Vilén (historian of religion, haiku poet, aficionado of gems and classical music) has published her first novel in Swedish. Tungelblodet ("Blood of the Moon") is high fantasy set in a northern archipelago where wind-witches help fishermen to make good catches. Florence cites Tolkien, LeGuin and Ende as her favourite fantasists (and I concur).

The book can be had from (SEK 173) and Adlibris (SEK 177). Order your copy today! I just ordered mine.


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What's "tungelblod", and why is it translated into "blood of the moon"?

Tunglet is apparently an archaic word for the moon. (For marketing reasons, I wouldn't have put a word like that in the title.) SAOB currently only extends from A to TRIVSEL, so I can't check it.

Tunglet is an old word for the moon, yes, at least in dalmål: (right at the bottom of the page).
Oh, and I övre Dalarna är verbböjningen egendomligt utvecklad, i det egentliga dalmålet är den i vissa hänseenden mycket ålderdomlig. Beträffande ordförrådet märkes en stor mängd egendomliga och annars sällsynta ord, i synnerhet i de övre socknarna.
I södra Dalarna är det mera normalt. Månen heter överallt tunglet
(from the wiki on dalmål).

Americacentric as I am, I only read english (with a wee smattering of latin, hebrew and italian - mostly from music). Which is unfortunate, because I am especially fond of fantasy novels that are water based. When I was rather young, I desperately wanted to captain a schooner and fight naughty pirates. When I discovered that there were pirates who were the "good" guys, I wanted to be a pirate like that. Unfortunately, it just never worked out for me, so I am stuck living out childhood fantasies through fiction.

Hans is right - a review would be great!

By Johan Lundström (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink