Fun with a Big Drill

A scary but pretty funny accident happened in central Stockholm the other day. A work crew was drilling for a geothermal heat pump when suddenly the drill went into an open subterranean cavity. There wasn't supposed to be one there according to the plans they had been given for the job. When they tried to get the drill out, it stuck.

And then a subway train full of people hit the dangling drill bit head on.

Nobody got hurt.


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Nobody got hurt.

Someone's career in urban management did (I hope).

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 13 Dec 2009 #permalink

Another classic story was the Chicago Flood of the 90s.

In the early 20th century, a company got the rights to run a few tunnels downtown, that they said they'd use for telephone cables and other wires. In fact, they dug tunnels big enough to run mining cars through, throughout the downtown area, and used them to deliver various things including coal, and to remove the coal ash. In the 90s, a pile driven in the Chicago River punctured a tunnel that crossed under the river, flooding the tunnel system, and thus getting into buildings, shorting out power substations, etc.