Monday Miscellany


Web gems have been sent my way.

  • ASPEX, makers of scanning electron microscopes, offer to scan your sample for free and post the image on their site. Finally you can learn about the micro-structure of your tear-duct sleep gunk!
  • Pablo Zalama Torres makes lovely replicas of archaeological pottery.
  • An amateur volunteering for the Stardust @ Home project has probably discovered "the first known sample of matter ever collected from the local interstellar medium". Space dust!
  • James Randi has come out of the closet. Congratulations, Randi! Your houdinesque escape will make it easier for other gay skeptics in the future.

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tags: SEM, ASPEX Corp, DonorsChoose, science education, teaching, fund-raising, poverty Would you like a FREE, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) image of an object that you've always wanted to see really close up? Stephanie at ASPEX Corporation has offered a free benchtop SEM scan as a prize to…