Rundkvist Sibs Sing "Handy Manny" Theme Song

You know the bit in Khalil Gibran where he says that children are arrows and parents bows, not archers? The other day my kids recorded this rendition of the "Handy Manny" theme song, and then Junior edited it in Audacity. The same evening he played his first game of Agricola where he ended up sharing second place with me despite making tea and sandwiches for everyone while playing. He'll be twelve in July...

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I got a real giggle out of that. I'm a little surprised you have Handy Manny over there. My daughter watches it over here, and when I'm talking about needing a tool, I call them by the names on the show and she gets it right away.

It's just scary to think of all the kids-TV jingles I've been hearing over the past decade. (-;

Even scarier to flip through the channels and instinctively turning to one of the kids shows that are on only to realize that the kids aren't home. :)