Scilla siberica


Spring is coming slowly, but it's finally coming. These squills have been awakened by heat radiating from our house, but still they reach for the sun.

In other news, Discover Magazine continues to buy over top Sb bloggers, and I have finally learned the story behind the state of Oklahoma's weird panhandled outline. Briefly put, it ended up that way because the state of Texas allowed slavery but the Union allowed it only south of a certain line. And so when Texas joined the Union, it ceded a ribbon of land that was north of the slavery line.

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Martin: And so soon after the Equinox! Don

You're getting blossoms and my tulips in Illinois are just breaking ground without any color in sight.

By Mike Olson (not verified) on 26 Mar 2010 #permalink

First time here - loved your Ritual & Rationality paragraphs.

I live in northern New Jersey, about 30 miles/48 km due west of New York City - our scillas (or scillae) are only a few days ahead of yours in development. Are you in southern Sweden or near a good sized body of water?

By Li'l Innocent (not verified) on 26 Mar 2010 #permalink

Hi Martin! This is very OT but I have a question I don´t know who to ask. Thers is those viking saga kings, Ragnar Lodbrok and Björn Järnsida. I`d like to know if there exists any evidence at all that these persons ever existed?

Thanks Lil! Like 90% of the Sweden's population, I'm in the country's southern third. But the nearest big body of water, an inlet of the Baltic, is still covered by ice.