Saturday Morning Mushrooms

blandsvampMushroom picking again this morning, this time in the area between Lakelets Skinnmossen and Knipträsket. Found more velvet and birch boletes than we cared to pick.

  • King bolete, Stensopp/Karl Johan, Boletus edulis
  • Orange birch bolete, Tegelsopp, Leccinum versepelle
  • Velvet bolete, Sandsopp, Suillus variegatus
  • Chanterelle, Kantarell, Cantharellus cibarius
  • Gypsy mushroom, Rynkad tofsskivling, Rozites caperata
  • False saffron milkcap, Blodriska, Lactarius deterrimus

Oh how annoying that the image gallery function is so bug-ridden.

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