Non-Science Fridays: Acoustic Subcontinent Edition

Meatheads of the week: The passport office. A must read about One Man's Journey Into the Greatest Bureaucracy Ever Assembled over at Slate.

It's been a busy week here on AngryToxicologist with sunscreens and STATS and all. I appreciate the hearty discussions. Please e-mail me other topics that you're wondering about. Speaking of busy weeks, I'm über busy today so I'm going to cut to the...

Weekly aural pleasure.

Check out this Indian video from the 90s. I'd describe it as the keystone cops and N'SYNC go to Bollywood. The dance moves are well...just watch it. Some notes:

4:12 left - this reminds me of some cheese ball movie. Top Gun? Days of Thunder? Somebody help me out here.
3:13 left - Oompa Loompas!
2:15 left - What the heck did he just do? Uhhh....
1:56 left - Seriously, N'SYNC must have been watching these people, especially at 1:30 left

So it's funny and seems like an amateurish video from US production point of view, but at the same time, I can't stop watching it. I actually think it's brilliant. It's got humor, a catchy tune, beautiful people, and some great dancing choreography, plus the way the leads interact makes it look like they are having fun (Anybody know who they are?). Not something you see much in videos. Anyway, good stuff.

Speaking of music from the subcontinent, I've always liked bhangra and some of my favorite songs of the past 10 years are reinterpetations of bhangra music like Mundian To Bach Ke (fantastic use of the Knight Rider theme) and Jogi by Panjabi MC. The Mundian video isn't any good but the Jogi video (below) isn't bad; it would be better if they left out the snake and applause women. "Hey!"

Happy Friday.

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Thanks for the info on the actors.

While it's harder to get them here than their Bollywood cousins, the movies coming out from Chennai are better IMHO; although I'm not sure this is the best example. ;)