Non-Science Fridays: Repeal Day and Bailout the Daylight

Give us our Daylight!

I was discussing with some friends last night what I think is the most important item on Obama's adgena. Getting working on the Daylight bailout. We were saving daylight hours all summer long. I presume all those hours went into some daylight bank. But now, we find ourselves in a daylight credit crisis; the winter solstice being very stingy with it's daylight. However, it seems that all the hours we saved are nowhere to be found - likely a daylight bank failure. I propose that the government bail us dark-dwelling denizens out and then make sure it never happens again by creating an daylight savings deposit insurance similar to the FDIC. Please contact your representitive immediately.

Repeal Day!
On December 5th, 1933, the 21st admendment was ratified, which allowed all right thinking citizens to partake in a short one (read more here). I'll celebrate tonight with a pear sidecar. I had one last night with ginger but I prefer it like this:

4 parts pear brandy
2 parts pear juice or nectar (preferably non-sweetened
1 part lemon juice
1 part simple syrup (if your pear juice is sweetened, omit this syrup which is equal parts sugar and water heated till disolved)
2 thin slices of fresh pear as garnish

Mix in cocktail shaker and pour into a martini glass.

Like you need more blogs to read. But, seriously you can't miss this.
Two Indian guys, Rinku Singh, 20, and Dinesh Kumar Patel, 19, were signed by the Pirates. They won a competition called the "Million Dollar Arm". They are blogging about their experience in the US and it's a funny, insightful, and heartwarming read. Take this from their Thanksgiving experience:

The choices of foods was crazy. Everyone is just stuffing their heads. I like sweet potato pie. Very tasty. All the people were very nice to us and we have a good time.

Dinesh and I still not understand why they have this festival, but it is good for eating.

I think he understands better than he thinks (stuffing ourselves in pleasant company is probably as good a reason as giving thanks). Also, one of my favorites from when Rinku cut his hand:

I reeled at the bill they produced for some simple bandaging and a tetanus shot. 300 bucks! It's whooping. They took me to the emergency room for such a clear-cut case (pun intended). I didn't get any meds and neither did they do anything to ease the pain. To put salt to injury, we had a stack of forms to sign as a procedure. Deepesh sir and I went into hysterics and laughed our guts out. It was crazy. Back home in India, we would've gotten treated just fine for a mere twenty rupees. Healthcare here is indecently expensive. I hope I don't make another visit to a hospital here for whatever reasons.

Welcome to the USA. Nice people, expensive health care.

Weekly Aural Pleasure.
The very lyrical and harmonic quality of the song is what draws you in, but it's the odd lyrics - I think he's saying "fence" the whole time...At least I hope he is - that keep you coming back. That and the guitar hero sections are surprisingly seamless. Or maybe it's the lab outfits in a wood shop. Who knows. Just enjoy. Happy friday.

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Man the post where Dinesh take a picture with Mark and Mark's picture with The Rock is HILARIOUS. I will definitely be keeping an eye on that site.

My question is why don't we save daylight in winter as well? Why do we squander it in the morning before we have to get up, only to have it be dark by the time we leave work? We need to abolish Standard Time.

I just finished watching the video, and all that work was to create a beam that creates babies? That has to be the most useless invention ever. I mean, humans have been able to create babies even before the invention of technology itself.

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My question is why don't we save daylight in winter as well? Why do we squander it in the morning before we have to get up, only to have it be dark by the time we leave work? We need to abolish Standard Time.

I just finished watching the video, and all that work was to create a beam that creates babies? That has to be the most useless invention ever. I mean, humans have been able to create babies even before the invention of technology itself.

I was discussing with some friends last night what I think is the most important item on Obama's adgena. Getting working on the Daylight bailout. We were saving daylight hours all summer long.

However, it seems that all the hours we saved are nowhere to be found - likely a daylight bank failure. I propose that the government bail us dark-dwelling denizens out and then make sure it never happens again by creating an daylight savings deposit insurance similar to the FDIC. Please contact your representitive immediately.

That has to be the most useless invention ever. I mean, humans have been able to create babies even before the invention of technology itself.

I propose that the government bail us dark-dwelling denizens out and then make sure it never happens again by creating an daylight savings deposit insurance similar to the FDIC. Please contact your representitive immediately.