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Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

January 13, 2009
The next edition of Praxis will be on January 15th 2009, at the Pod Black Cat. There are only 2 days left until the deadline for the 7th edition of The Giant's Shoulders, to be held at The Questionable Authority. Next Carnival of the Liberals will be on Accidental Blogger tomorrow, but you still…
January 13, 2009
Did you know that the largest desert on Earth is Antarctica? And the second largest is Arctic? And only then comes Sahara! Well, I knew that because Hal Heathwole taught a Desert Ecology course that many of my buddies in grad school took. But if you don't believe me, check out the Wikipedia page…
January 13, 2009
Evolution is the theme of the month for January at PLoS ONE, so we have picked , for your pleasure, some of our papers for the Top picks in Evolutionary Biology. In conjuction with this, I have also conducted an interview with our Evolution Section Editor Dr.Tom Tregenza. Dr.Tom Tregenza studies…
January 13, 2009
Science 2.0: New online tools may revolutionize research quotes Michael Nielsen, Eva Amsen, Corie Lok and Jean-Claude Bradley. Article is good but short. If you come to ScienceOnline'09 or participate virtually, you can get the longer story straight from them.
January 13, 2009
Chemotherapy Most Effective At Time Of Day When Particular Enzyme At Lowest Level: For years, research has hinted that the time of day that cancer patients receive chemotherapy can impact their chances of survival. But the lack of a clear scientific explanation for this finding has kept clinicians…
January 13, 2009
Computer Game 'Tetris' May Help Reduce Flashbacks To Traumatic Events: Playing 'Tetris' after traumatic events could reduce the flashbacks experienced in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), preliminary research by Oxford University psychologists suggests. New Computer Program Enables Powerful…
January 12, 2009
Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see. - John W Whitehead
January 12, 2009
The weather prediction for this week is cold and clear to partly cloudy. If you are coming from Canada, you'll probably think that's warm, but for us here, this is very cold. At least, it appears at the moment, we will avoid snow unlike last year:
January 12, 2009
From SCONC: The next Sigma Xi Pizza Lunch is noon, THURSDAY. Jan. 22. The title: "Dinosaurs under the microscope: New ways to look at old bones." Come hear NC State University paleontologist Mary Schweitzer explain why she rocked science not long ago with evidence that soft tissue survived in a 68-…
January 12, 2009
Mosquitoes Create Harmonic Love Song Before Mating, Study Finds: That pesky buzz of a nearby mosquito is the sound of love, scientists have known for some time. But a new Cornell study reports that males and females flap their wings and change their tune to create a harmonic duet just before mating…
January 11, 2009
To say the right thing at the right time, keep still most of the time. - John W. Roper
January 11, 2009
If you live around here or if you are coming early or staying after ScienceOnline'09, you may be interested in science/nature stuff you can see around here. I know, it's January and some of those facilities are not at their rose-blooming peak, but they are worth a look: Take a look at the awesome…
January 11, 2009
Listen to my SciBlings Janet and Pal,MD discuss scientific and medical ethics:
January 11, 2009
The Conference is pretty long this year, yet people need to eat! There will be free food and coffee at Sigma Xi on Saturday and Sunday for breakfast and lunch, as well as a wine-tasting and a cocktail party at the Friday Wise event (though, it is not a full meal - "The networking reception will…
January 11, 2009
OK, the system is up and running. Let's see how this new software works!
January 10, 2009
That so few now dare to be eccentric, marks the chief danger of our time. - John Stuart Mill
January 9, 2009
The exploration and ultimate colonization of the solar system is the only future worthy of truly great nations at this time in history. The Soviets, who cannot even feed themselves, seem to understand this. - John S. Powers
January 9, 2009
If you really, really want to comment on my posts during the upgrade, you can do that on my FriendFeed as all my posts are exported there and you can comment there as well.
January 9, 2009
Like we did with the Tripoli Six.... From Declan Butler, reproduced here in its entirety, as it is important: Iran has summarily tried two of the nation's HIV researchers with communicating with an "enemy government," in a half-day trial that started and ended on 31 December in Tehran's…
January 9, 2009
This is your weekend reading - lots of it, some fascinating, some enraging, but perhaps if enough people are aware and scream loudly enough, something can be done: Assistance Monkeys, Ducks, Parrots, Pigs and Ducks ... Should the law protect them? More Follow Up on NYT Story About Assistance…
January 9, 2009
Well, ScienceOnline'09 is next week!!! Most of the stuff on the organizational side is now set and we only have a few last-minute things to take care of. But this is a free, community conference - try to get in touch with each other and organize additional meetups, or to help each other in…
January 9, 2009
Chad is musing about teaching a class based on classical experiments in physics: The idea would be to have students pick one of the classic experiments in science from, say, before WWII, track down the original papers, and read them to work out how things were done (tracing back other references as…
January 9, 2009
The Best of Anthro 2008 Prizes, a kind of an annual carnival, is up on Neuroanthropology Friday Ark #225 is up on Modulator
January 9, 2009
Ancient Odor-detecting Mechanism In Insects Discovered: In work to be published in the January 9 issue of Cell, the team reports the discovery of a new family of receptors in the fly nose, a finding that not only fills in a missing piece in the organizational logic of the insect olfactory system…
January 8, 2009
In every person who comes near you look for what is good and strong, honor that; try to imitate it, and your faults will drop off like dead leaves when their time comes. - John Ruskin
January 8, 2009
Michael Nielsen posted today the first part of his look at peer-review: Three myths about scientific peer review: What's the future of scientific peer review? The way science is communicated is currently changing rapidly, leading to speculation that the peer review system itself might change. For…
January 8, 2009
Honey Laundering: A sticky trail of intrigue and crime: ".........He was suspected of trafficking in counterfeit merchandise -- a honey smuggler. A far cry from the innocent image of Winnie the Pooh with a paw stuck in the honey pot, the international honey trade has become increasingly rife with…
January 8, 2009
I and the Bird #91 is up on From the Faraway, Nearby
January 8, 2009
Steve Mirsky in Scientific American fisks McCain and Palin campaign anti-science statements (not that the remaining Republicans are any better, but these two were in the spotlight): You're not supposed to kick a guy when he's down. Of course, in reality, when he's down is the perfect time to kick…
January 8, 2009
Three chapters a week. First edition (if you know what is good for you). Here. With John Whitfield. First, read this and this as mental preparation.