Clock Quotes

Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.

- John W Whitehead

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When we first moved to the small suburban town we still live in, we quickly realized we needed to buy a second car. Nora and Jim were just one and two and a half years old, only barely beginning to understand language. After we made our purchase, sometimes we drove in the old car (a Subaru station…
We've got a great line up this week including one of the coolest findings of the year. The email is below the fold: Hello All, The next meeting of the New England RNA Club will take place Thursday, March 20th, a week from tomorrow. We will have beverages starting at 5:30PM and talks from 6:00-7:…
Peter Irons has again been having way too much fun with creationist shenanigans. Irons, you may recall, is a hot shot west coast lawyer who had a grand time with the Pivar situation, and has lately been nudging Dembski on the case of his misuse of the Harvard/XVIVO animation. Would you believe that…
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