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Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

December 5, 2008
The Networked Student was inspired by CCK08, a Connectivism course offered by George Siemens and Stephen Downes during fall 2008. It depicts an actual project completed by Wendy Drexler's high school students. The Networked Student concept map was inspired by Alec Couros' Networked Teacher. I hope…
December 5, 2008
Up To 10% Of Children Start School Suffering From Sleep Disturbances: Up to 10% of children starting school suffer from sleep disturbances and these may lead to poor performance or behavioral difficulties. In the current edition of Deutsches Ãrzteblatt International, the child and adolescent…
December 5, 2008
The Totally Hot December Scientiae is up on On Becoming a Domestic and Laboratory Goddess Friday Ark #220 is up on Modulator 79th Carnival Of The Liberals is up on Capitol Annex
December 4, 2008
A poor surgeon hurts one person at a time. A poor teacher hurts thirty. - Ernest Leroy Boyer
December 4, 2008
Nomination for 2008 Edublog Awards is now closed and you can now go and vote. Go and check them all out - there are some great edublogs there I was not aware of from before. This is how I voted: 1. Best individual blog Using Blogs in Science Education 2. Best group blog 360 3. Best new blog…
December 4, 2008
Remember the Millionth Comment Contest? Remember that Peggy Kolm won it? Well, she is in NYCity now on her winner's trip and blogging about it. Stay tuned over there, as this is just the first of four days...
December 4, 2008
Those interested in the struggles against infusion of Intelligent Design Creationism into public schools, have followed, with great interest, the highly publicized trial in Dover, PA a couple of years ago. At the end of it, Judge Jones not just made the right decision, but also wrote one of the…
December 4, 2008
There are 12 new articles in PLoS ONE today. As always, you should rate the articles, post notes and comments and send trackbacks when you blog about the papers. You can now also easily place articles on various social services (CiteULike, Connotea, Stumbleupon, Facebook and Digg) with just one…
December 4, 2008
Carnival of Evolution #6 is up on Observations Of A Nerd Mendel's Garden #26 is up on A Free Man Skeptics' Circle 101: The African Edition, is up on Ionian Enchantment
December 4, 2008
New Giant Toothless Pterosaur Species Discovered: A researcher at the University of Portsmouth has identified a new species of pterosaur, the largest of its kind to ever be found. It represents an entirely new genus of these flying reptiles that ruled the skies 115 million years ago. Antioxidants…
December 3, 2008
There is no royal road to anything. One thing at a time, all things in succession. That which grows fast, withers as rapidly. That which grows slowly, endures. - Josiah Gilbert Holland
December 3, 2008
There are 14 new articles in PLoS ONE today. As always, you should rate the articles, post notes and comments and send trackbacks when you blog about the papers. You can now also easily place articles on various social services (CiteULike, Connotea, Stumbleupon, Facebook and Digg) with just one…
December 3, 2008
As you know, Anton Zuiker, David Kroll and I were on the radio earlier today, chatting for an hour with Ernie Hood of Radio In Vivo, here in Carrboro. We discussed science communication, education, publishing, blogging, popularization, journalism, social networking, Second Life, etc. The focus…
December 3, 2008
I landed in SF twice (it's a great visual spectacle approaching the Bay), but I had no idea what was going on in front of me, in the cockpit:
December 3, 2008
I promised solutions in 24 hours, and it's been a little more than that now, so here are the sources: 1. I suppose that the mere fact that I was in the company of two friends itself proves that I wasn't actually some kind of hermit when it came to my rat studies. Rats by Robert Sullivan (not a…
December 3, 2008
BONEYARD #26: "My Favourite Museum" - is up on Traumador the Tyrannosaur Carnival of the Blue #19 is up on WaterNotes December 2008 History Carnival is up on Frog in a Well The 54th issue of the Four Stone Hearth Anthropology Blog Carnival is up on Cognition and Culture The 153rd Carnival of…
December 3, 2008
Tune in if you can, or listen online later...
December 3, 2008
Molecular Partnership Controls Daily Rhythms, Body Metabolism: A research team led by Mitchell Lazar, MD, PhD, Director of the Institute for Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, has discovered a key molecular partnership that coordinates body…
December 2, 2008
Don't limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time. - Rabbinic Saying
December 2, 2008
There are 10 new articles in PLoS ONE today. As always, you should rate the articles, post notes and comments and send trackbacks when you blog about the papers. You can now also easily place articles on various social services (CiteULike, Connotea, Stumbleupon, Facebook and Digg) with just one…
December 2, 2008
It started with Henry who was bored with the simplicity of the "pick the nearest book" meme and decided to make it really hard! Mike picked it up and tagged a few people, including me and Wilkins. So, what are the rules? Hey, Henry came up with this, so feel free to make the rules as you go.…
December 2, 2008
Melatonin May Save Eyesight In Inflammatory Disease, Study Suggests: Current research suggests that melatonin therapy may help treat uveitis, a common inflammatory eye disease. People with uveitis develop sudden redness and pain in their eyes, and their vision rapidly deteriorates. Untreated,…
December 1, 2008
A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterward. - Jean Paul Richter
December 1, 2008
It's midnight! So, the submission form is now closed. Over the past year we have collected hundreds of excellent entries for the anthology - thanks to all who made the submissions. Jennifer Rohn has lined up some star people to judge all the entries, and in the end, we'll have the best 50 (…
December 1, 2008
Berry Go Round # 11 is up on Catalogue of Organisms Carnival of Elitist Bastards, VIII is up on Cafe Philos Carnival of the Green #156 is up on Healthy Child Healthy World
December 1, 2008
This Wednesday at 11am, tune in to Radio In Vivo with Ernie Hood at WCOM-FM 103.5 in Carrboro, NC (or check out the podcast online afterwards), because the show will be fantastic: Radio In Vivo December 3, 2008 Guests: David Kroll (NCCU), Anton Zuiker (Duke), Bora Zivkovic (PLOS) - co-organizers…
December 1, 2008
Now you can donate a subscription to Seed Magazine to a classroom of your choice: Earlier this year, as part of the DonorsChoose Blogger Challenge, ScienceBlogs readers donated over $18,000 toward science literacy. Seed Media Group was proud to donate a further $15,000, bringing the ScienceBlogs…
December 1, 2008
Let's see what is new in PLoS Medicine, PLoS Biology and PLoS ONE today: Time-of-Day-Dependent Enhancement of Adult Neurogenesis in the Hippocampus: Adult neurogenesis occurs in specific regions of the mammalian brain such as the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. In the neurogenic region, neural…