
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

October 28, 2010
This is an excellent overview of the upcoming election vis-a-vis the brown liquid.
October 28, 2010
Weather systems in the Southern and Northern hemispheres will respond differently to global warming ... the warming of the planet will affect the availability of energy to fuel extratropical storms, or large-scale weather systems that occur at Earth's middle latitudes. The resulting changes will…
October 28, 2010
Good cometary and some excellent video, including closeups of Profitt's beer belly and the "pre stomp" events: See also this.
October 28, 2010
According to Rebecca Kleefisch Republican, the Republican candidate for Wisconsin Lt. Governor. "This is a slippery slope," Kleefisch said. "In addition to that at what point are we going to be okay marrying inanimate objects? Can I marry this table or this, you know, clock? Can we marry dogs? "…
October 28, 2010
Bonus Video: Rachel Buying an Uzi: Bonus Bonus Video: Rachel squeezes off some rounds:
October 28, 2010
Danno is dead. James MacArthur, who played "Danno" in the original version of television's "Hawaii Five-0," died Thursday at age 72. MacArthur's agent, Richard Lewis, said the actor died in Florida of "natural causes," but no direct cause was specified. wcco MacArthur was the adopted son of…
October 28, 2010
The Mars Rover Spirit got stuck, probably forever, last year, but the little guy has not given up doing science!!!! The extraterrestrial vehicle discovered evidence "that water, perhaps as snow melt, trickled into the subsurface fairly recently and on a continuing basis." Oh, great, mud! That's…
October 28, 2010
This seems to be another case of an immature snot-nose sociopath using the leveling power of the Internet to be important-seeming, and accusing stem cell researchers of fraud with highly dubious evidence that reflects more on the accuser's low level of training and inadequate knowledge than…
October 28, 2010
Erik Paulsen is my representative to the US Congress. This is his first term. He replaced a very centrist Republican (Jim Ramstad) who retired honorably. I worked for the Democratic Party (DFL, we call it in Minnesota) candidate, Ash Madia during that election. Ash was a good candidate but he…
October 28, 2010
This is quite serious. Better have a look. Greg -- Our opponents think they have this election in the bank. While you all are reaching out and talking to 7 million voters one on one, they're getting $7 million checks from billionaires and special interests to fund attack ads. That is all you need…
October 28, 2010
This barking dog is not very smart. But it could make a good Republican. The only thing harder to understand than Michele Bachmann is the Republican Party. Bachmann is hard to understand in this way: How can a person with her mind be an elected member of congress?!?!??? The Republican party…
October 28, 2010
I am represented in the US House of Representatives by Erik Paulsen. I've not heard much from Erik since his election two years ago because he doesn't tell us much. But I don't need to hear from him, really, because he is, for all intents and purposes, a clone of Michele Bachmann, the nutbag who…
October 28, 2010
Bones once said "I don't like Sheriffs. They're elected. It's a popularity contest, not based on qualifications for the job," or words to that effect. But the candidates for Anoka County Sheriff are highly qualified law enforcement professionals. The job of Sheriff for Anoka County, Minnesota…
October 28, 2010
Got your attention? Good. Have a look at this: Libertarians are generally characterized by (misplaced) arrogance. Liberals are generally characterized by...well, I don't actually know, but I'm sure I'll get suggestions. Conservatives are generally characterized by fear. It informs all their…
October 28, 2010
This comes from a Daguerreotype taken by Daguerre himself in 1838. It is probably a picture of a man (on the left) getting his shoe shined by a shoe shiner (in the right, less distinct). The image would have been exposed for about ten minutes, so the crowds wandering around on the street,…
October 28, 2010
It turns out that the "land hurricane" (technically, a super storm, aka extra tropical cyclone or bomb cyclone) may have been the biggest (most energetic) storm hisorically recorded for the region. Of particular interest is the pressure record (the ultimate measure for a storm) but also, the…
October 27, 2010
It was like a bad dream or something ... Funny how she knew about the milk.
October 27, 2010
Well, actually, who cares about the smile. It's the ESSAY that should sway you. Or, just do me a favor, go here, and click on "Christie Wilcox." This all about getting Nerdy Christie a 10K college scholarship. She's close. YOU can make it happen! Thank you very much, that is all.
October 27, 2010
The election is going to be close. It is quite possible that the Republicans will take the Senate. There is no way the Democratic caucus will obtain a super majority. I am especially embarrassed by Wisconsin. Here are the details ... At present the US Senate has 59 members who are either…
October 27, 2010
One possibility would be to get stinking drunk, then later, find her and her male companion and run them over with your car. At this point, we can't be sure that this is what happened, but the circumstantial evidence suggests that this may have been the nature of Kandyce Stoffel's tragic death…
October 27, 2010
The following composite image represents what the Tea Party stands for. It is the image of the Libertarian movement, like it or not. It is what today's Republican Party stands for. It is what you get if you don't vote next Tuesday. Top: Rand Paul (right) and one of his campaign workers, Tim…
October 27, 2010
I think we are having a land hurricane here in Minnesota. The tree in front of my daughter's other house (her mom's place) that was topped by a tornado the week after we bought it has lost a big dead branch, a bunch of firs at the junction of 10 and 35W are down, a colleague of my wife lost a…
October 27, 2010
Rand Paul's henchman, alleged assailant Tim Profitt ("The Stomper") has been summoned before a judge on assault charges . Profitt has started whining about his safety being in danger and claims to have received numerous death threats after he and his buddies wrestled an unarmed woman to the ground…
October 26, 2010
October 26, 2010
The man who stomped on the head of a woman at a Rand Paul campaign event has been identified, and it is a person close to Paul and involved in the campaign. He was one of several campaign workers who seemingly premeditated the attack, part of which was recently caught on videotape. Assailant…
October 26, 2010
The following videos are freaky and disturbing in many ways. What a dick. But wait, there's more: I'm not a big fan of "animal rights groups" (to say the least) in part because I see hypocrisy and muddled thinking whenever I look in their direction. But this is, indeed, a great example of very…
October 26, 2010
In principle, if not in detail: Lillian McEwen was that woman. At the time, she was on good terms with Thomas. The former assistant U.S. attorney and Senate Judiciary Committee counsel had dated him for years, even attending a March 1985 White House state dinner as his guest. She had worked on the…
October 26, 2010
I have looked at the records, statements, and endorsements of the two candidates running for the open Anoka County Attorney's office, to determine which I should support and, indeed, endorse on this blog. And I'm stuck. It is a hard decision because both candidates have impressive backgrounds.…