I just got this note from my close personal friend Joe Biden

This is quite serious. Better have a look.

Greg --

Our opponents think they have this election in the bank.

While you all are reaching out and talking to 7 million voters one on one, they're getting $7 million checks from billionaires and special interests to fund attack ads.

That is all you need to know about the choice in this election.

We're in a battle for the future of this county -- a battle between corporate special interests and hard-working Americans.

And if we want that future to be written by us -- not by a handful of anonymous billionaires -- I need you to do all you can over the next five days.

I'm asking you to make a donation today because our organizers need critical support right now. And, today, what you give will go twice as far because Organizing for America is matching every grassroots donation with that of another supporter.

Will you donate $5 today to help win this fight?

We always knew this was going to be tough. People are still hurting, still frustrated.

And it's no wonder: For a decade, Republican policies decimated the middle class in favor of the wealthy.

They broke the bargain -- the bargain that says government should help people do what they can't do for themselves, the bargain that says in America, we all deserve a fair shot.

They let our infrastructure crumble while Wall Street ran wild. They gave billions of dollars in tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires without paying for them.

And now they want to drag us back to that exact same agenda.

Their special-interest friends who would benefit from these policies are backing them up and funneling tens of millions of dollars into outside groups running partisan attack ads.

We don't know what kind of impact these groups may have.

But I know we can't quit.

We can't quit because we're winning important battles to protect middle-class families.

We can't quit because we passed historic changes to Wall Street oversight, health care, and student loans.

I know we can do this -- you crashed through our goal of 3 million grassroots donations, and you're on pace to reach out to 30 million voters across the country this fall.

That's incredible.

But we're not there yet, and we're going to have to fight right up to the last minute -- the way we always do -- with grassroots supporters giving what they can to get our message out. Our organizers need resources to get voters to the polls, support our volunteers, and talk to more voters on the phones.

Please donate $5 or more today:


With five days to go, the outcome is in our hands -- and right now I'm counting on you to fight for it.

Thanks for all you do,

Joe Biden

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