
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

December 19, 2008
From Neuranthropology: We've decided to host something that has not been done before - the first yearly edition of The Best of Anthropology Blogging. An increasing number of anthropologists are blogging about their work and their ideas, sharing how anthropology in all its forms is relevant to the…
December 19, 2008
Update: Franken is ahead by 249 votes !!! UPDATE: DONE with the Franken re-entered (some withdrawn) ... now looking at some ballots that were set aside earlier. UPDATE: ... bam... the canvassing board just threw out consideration of all the duplicate ballots except seven that have some…
December 19, 2008
One hundred movies that if you have not seen, perhaps liked, perhaps think represent something either important or entertaining, and remember, then you are probably not me. I'll make a deal with you. You can tell me to watch any movie that is not on this list and if I have not seen it, I'll put…
December 19, 2008
W. Mark Felt, who was the No. 2 official at the F.B.I. when he helped bring down President Richard M. Nixon by resisting the Watergate cover-up and becoming Deep Throat, the most famous anonymous source in American history, died Thursday. He was 95 and lived in Santa Rosa, Calif. details
December 19, 2008
Same guy: Taylor Mali (hat tip wfr for the deeper story) We are the most aggressively disarticulate generation to come along in, like you know, a long time ago. And this one he wrote for me: Because I nerd to be challenged menstrually.
December 19, 2008
... This is why we fight the war on Christmas. Watch. Then lock and load, baby. Hat tip Doc
December 19, 2008
I've got a meme below the fold. This is lifted from Facebook, where it was posted by Miles Kurland. SUPPOSEDLY if you've seen over 85 movies, you have no life. Mark the ones you've seen. There are 219 movies on this list. Copy this list, then paste it on facebook or on your blog. Then, put x's…
December 18, 2008
We've been doing a lot of math in our house lately. Amanda is working out the relationship between ATPase production and force in muscle (turns out that requires piles of math) and Julia is learning Algebra. Meanwhile, I've mainly been cooking dinner. Like this: OK, OK, so that one does not…
December 18, 2008
Actually, it's Lefortovo Tunnel, Russia. Don't go to Russia. And if you do, stay out of the tunnel.
December 18, 2008
Mala Mala, Limpopo Prov., South Africa.
December 18, 2008
Right now, the best estimate for the difference between Franken and Coleman in the Minnesota Senate Race Recount is between about two and five votes (Coleman leading). The challenges that are currently underway and that will be finished tomorrow come hell or high water will shift that mainly…
December 18, 2008
Donors to Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman's reelection campaign may be surprised to learn that [he] is planning to use their contributions to pay blue-chip criminal defense lawyers to defend him against a reported FBI probe into his dealings with a wealthy businessman. ... Coleman and his wife, Laurie…
December 17, 2008
Think back to Florida eight years ago. There is a reasonable argument that Al Gore was duly voted, even via the electoral college, to be President of the United States, but George W. Bush was placed in that office for one and only one reason: The recount process in Florida was transformed into a…
December 17, 2008
December 17, 2008
Juliana, as many could testify, was the progenitor of this seminal idea, in which she finds (around here somewhere) a modicum of humanity. In fact, to Juliana, being a full time transvestite, it was obvoius that she had to work hard to get Pat around the idea of a new plan, to convince Pat as to…
December 17, 2008
December 17, 2008
Moments ago, the Minnesota State Canvassing Board has completed the review of several hundred challenges produced during the process of recounting the November 5th ballots in the US Senate race between Norm Coleman and Al Franken. The next stage will be to review the Coleman challenges, of which…
December 17, 2008
My hardcore atheist checklist is below the fold. I award myself forty one points, including extra points for doing things to missionaries and such. 1. Participated in the Blasphemy Challenge. 2. Met at least one of the "Four Horsemen" (Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Christopher Hitchens, Sam…
December 17, 2008
Predatory rodents are eating the chicks of the Critically Endangered Tristan Albatross Diomedea dabbenena to the extent that they have had the worst breeding season recorded so far. The mice are also affecting Gough Island's other Critically Endangered endemic species, Gough Bunting Rowettia…
December 17, 2008
And oldie but a goodie:
December 17, 2008
"There must have been some magic in clean coal technology; for when they looked for pollutants there was nearly none to see" Huh? Do you know "Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me!"? If not, discover it. NPR, weekends. But go to the gym and work out your core body first because otherwise you might hurt…
December 17, 2008
Science Pundit sent me this cool movie: Thank you some crazy Iraqui guy for giving us a way to remember George W. Bush that is as enduring as Fala the Dog and the New Deal for FDR, the "I am not a Crook" speech and Opening Up China for Richard Nixon, Winning the American Revolution even though you…
December 16, 2008
December 16, 2008
The Time Traveler's Wife This is an easy decision, and not only because I read about five pieces of fiction this year and most of them were pulp. Well, OK, that is a factor. But this book is good enough for me to blog about it and you know I only blog about important things that you need to…
December 16, 2008
It is too bad that we let Industry poison the part of our food supply that we really need to eat more of... FDA reconsiders consumer advice on fish from (AP) -- For years, the federal government has recommended that pregnant women and young children limit their consumption of fish to…
December 16, 2008
If your iPod Touch does not work on your Windows XP, you can ... A. Uninstall and reinstall everything (Hint: Don't actually try ANY of this, it doesn't work!): Okay well I spent about an hour on the phone with Apple trying to fix this problem. The guy I talked to seemed to have delt with this…
December 16, 2008
It is very interesting to watch the Canvasing board ... the Minnesota Secretary of State, a Supreme Court Justice or two, and so on, going over every single one of the challenged ballots. The way they seem to be doing this is this: They are going through all of the Franken Challenges first. The…
December 16, 2008
)Updated) According to several different sources of information, it appears that when the challenged ballots are figured into the current Minnesota Senate Seat Recount, Candidate Al Franken will move ahead of incumbent Senator Norm Coleman by somewhere between eight and twelve votes. This is…