
Profile picture for user grrlscientist
Hedwig Pöllöläinen

Posts by this author

June 16, 2008
tags: Birds in the News, BirdNews, ornithology, birds, avian, newsletter "Blue enough for ya?" Male Eastern Bluebird, Sialia sialis. Image: Dave Rintoul, KSU [larger view]. Birds and Dads News I stop for pileated woodpeckers. That'd be my life's bumper sticker. These days, I know my birds. Not…
June 16, 2008
tags: Barack Obama, religion, politics, streaming video In this video, Barack Obama talks downright lucidly about religion and politics. To all the idiots claiming the US was founded on christianity, he suggests that they read the words of John Adams because "the government of the United States is…
June 15, 2008
tags: West 86th street subway art, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC West 86th Street Subway Art #35 as seen at NYC's West 86th Street stop at Broadway for the downtown 1 train. (This piece was completed in 1989). Artist: Nitza Tufino. Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [larger view]. I…
June 15, 2008
My favorite picture of my friend, Jessica, an aspiring actress. Image: GrrlScientist, 15 June 2008. I took a little time away from writing today because a friend of mine, an aspiring actress, invited me to her improvisational acting class graduation. Even though I understand what improv is, I…
June 15, 2008
tags: Acorn Woodpecker, Melanerpes formicivorus, birds, nature, Image of the Day My good friend, Dave Rintoul, has just returned from a much-deserved vacation camping in the Chiricahuas and Gila Wilderness area and sent a couple images to share with you. Acorn Woodpecker, Melanerpes formicivorus…
June 15, 2008
tags: Birdbooker Report, bird books, natural history books, ecology books "One cannot have too many good bird books" --Ralph Hoffmann, Birds of the Pacific States (1927). Here's this week's issue of the Birdbooker Report by Ian "Birdbooker" Paulsen, which lists ecology, environment, natural…
June 14, 2008
tags: West 86th street subway art, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC West 86th Street Subway Art #34 as seen at NYC's West 86th Street stop at Broadway for the downtown 1 train. (This piece was completed in 1989). Artist: Nitza Tufino. Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [larger view]. I…
June 14, 2008
tags: A Little Taste of Home, photography I had to relocate 3000 miles away before I finally appreciated SBC. Well, it's better late than never, right? A Little Taste of Home. Image: GrrlScientist, June 2008 [larger view].
June 14, 2008
tags: Blue-throated hummingbird, Lampornis clemenciae, birds, nature, Image of the Day My good friend, Dave Rintoul, has just returned from a much-deserved vacation camping in the Chiricahuas and Gila Wilderness area and sent a couple images to share with you. Juvenile male Blue-throated…
June 13, 2008
tags: West 86th street subway art, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC West 86th Street Subway tile mosaic art #33 as seen at NYC's West 86th Street stop at Broadway for the downtown 1 train. (This piece was completed in 1989). Artist: Nitza Tufino. Image: GrrlScientist 2008 […
June 13, 2008
tags: Greater Short-horned lizard, Phrynosoma hernandezi, reptiles, Image of the Day My good friend, Dave Rintoul, has just returned from a much-deserved vacation camping in the Chiricahuas and Gila Wilderness area and sent a couple images to share with you. Greater Short-horned lizard,…
June 13, 2008
tags:, evolution, experimental evolution, adaptation, mutation, natural selection, Richard E. Lenski The common gut bacteria, Escherichia coli, typically known as E. coli. Image: Dennis Kunkel. Evolution is a random process -- or is it? I ask this because we all can name…
June 13, 2008
tags: five types of lucky, wow, humor, streaming video Because it is Friday the Thirteenth, a day that the superstitious among you view with abject terror, I thought I'd have a little talk with you about luck. Yes, luck. There are five types of luck, apparently, as documented in this video [0:57…
June 12, 2008
tags: West 86th street subway art, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC West 86th Street Subway tile mosaic art #32 as seen at NYC's West 86th Street stop at Broadway for the downtown 1 train. (This piece was completed in 1989). Artist: Nitza Tufino. Image: GrrlScientist 2008 […
June 12, 2008
tags: tornado, Manhattan Kansas, weather "Hello? Dad? Can I borrow your car?" Image: Dave Rintoul, 12 June 2008 [larger view]. [Includes slideshow] After I returned from Manhattan, Kansas, I thought of it as a wonderful, magical place where I would always be able to return, to see birds and…
June 12, 2008
tags: wapiti, Desert elk, Cervus canadensis, mammals, nature, Image of the Day My good friend, Dave Rintoul, has just returned from a much-deserved vacation camping in the Chiricahuas and Gila Wilderness area and sent a couple images to share with you. Wapiti, Cervus canadensis, grazing at sunset…
June 12, 2008
tags: bird nestboxes, skull, humor, streaming video This video shows you the most remarkable nestbox that you can provide for your birds -- a nestbox that will be a certain conversation stopper, or starter, depending upon what your conversation is doing when your guests spot it [0:46]
June 11, 2008
tags: West 86th street subway art, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC West 86th Street Subway tile mosaic art #31 as seen at NYC's West 86th Street stop at Broadway for the downtown 1 train. (This piece was completed in 1989). Artist: Nitza Tufino. Image: GrrlScientist 2008 […
June 11, 2008
tags: Rock Wren, Salpinctes obsoletus, birds, nature, Image of the Day My good friend, Dave Rintoul, has just returned from a much-deserved vacation camping in the Chiricahuas and Gila Wilderness area and sent a couple images to share with you. Rock Wren, Salpinctes obsoletus, in Chaco Canyon.…
June 11, 2008
tags: Mean and Lowly Things, herpetology, reptiles, venomous snakes, amphibians, field research, Congo Brazzaville, Kate Jackson, book review Are you familiar with the aphorism, "Do what you love and the money will follow"? Well, the money part of that equation is probably questionable, but I think…
June 11, 2008
tags: dead whale, blast from the past, humor, streaming video This video documents what happens when a dead beached whale, half a ton of dynamite, and an exclusion zone that was way too small all interact on an Oregon beach [2:35]
June 10, 2008
tags: West 86th street subway art, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC West 86th Street Subway Art #30 as seen at NYC's West 86th Street stop at Broadway for the downtown 1 train. (This piece was completed in 1989). Artist: Nitza Tufino. Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [larger view]. I…
June 10, 2008
Between the extreme weather in NYC these past few days and my forced SSRI withdrawal, I am suffering a bit of a crisis today, so I am trying to prove to myself that I am not alone in my misery by poking through those blogs that link to mine. As a result, I discovered this gem; R.E.S.E.A.R.C.H.E.R.S…
June 10, 2008
tags: Canyon Towhee, Pipilo fuscus, birds, Image of the Day My good friend, Dave Rintoul, has just returned from a much-deserved vacation camping in the Chiricahuas and Gila Wilderness area and sent a couple images to share with you. Canyon Towhee, Pipilo fuscus, in Chaco Canyon. Image: Dave…
June 10, 2008
tags: Harry Potter, JK Rowling, Harvard University commencement 2008, streaming video JK Rowling's commencement speech at Harvard University this past weekend .. not only is she funny (who knew?), but her speech is extremely, wonderfully good, and very well worth listening to. [9:01] Part 2 [7:51…
June 9, 2008
tags: West 86th street subway art, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC West 86th Street Subway Art #29 as seen at NYC's West 86th Street stop at Broadway for the downtown 1 train. (This piece was completed in 1989). Artist: Nitza Tufino. Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [larger view]. I…
June 9, 2008
tags: Big Brown, Belmont Stakes 2008, horseracing, horses, sports mysteries, Triple Crown Big Brown, pulled up by Kent Desormeaux, has been examined by veterinarians. "No one can figure this out," his co-owner Michael Iavarone said. Image: Barton Silverman, The New York Times [larger view]. I…
June 9, 2008
tags: Black-Throated Sparrow, Amphispiza bilineata, birds, Image of the Day My good friend, Dave Rintoul, has just returned from a much-deserved vacation camping in the Chiricahuas and Gila Wilderness area and sent a couple images to share with you. Black-throated Sparrow, Amphispiza bilineata,…
June 9, 2008
tags: Birds in the News, BirdNews, ornithology, birds, avian, newsletter Male prothonotary warbler, Protonotaria citrea in breeding plumage. Image: Dave Rintoul, KSU [OMG view]. Birds in Science New research led by Dr Melanie Massaro and Dr Jim Briskie at the University of Canterbury, which…
June 9, 2008
tags: science, physics, time-saving techniques, peeling hard-boiled eggs, streaming video We all know that each day is filled with a variety of time-wasting activities that are necessary for us to be able to enjoy those brief, fleeting moments of freedom from such drudgery. So I thought I'd suggest…