
Profile picture for user grrlscientist
Hedwig Pöllöläinen

Posts by this author

June 23, 2008
tags: Where the Hell is Matt?, documentary, streaming video Here's a wonderful streaming video that celebrates this beautiful world and the people in it! It celebrates our common humanity, regardless of where we live, or what we look like. My favorite parts were when Matt was dancing among the red…
June 22, 2008
tags: West 34th street Penn Station subway art, Circus of Garden Delights, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC Circus of Garden Delights. West 34th Street/Penn Station Subway tile mosaic art #1 [detail #5, looking from left to right] as seen at NYC's West 34th Street stop at 8th for…
June 22, 2008
I DID IT! I made reservations for a hostel in London in the W1 post code (I hope it is not a high crime area) and the total cost for 10 nights is $288.16 (£146.00) and my roundtrip airfare is $700 on Air India. My goal is to write essays and add images to my blog while I am there, so I hope that…
June 22, 2008
tags: Cassowary, Casuarius casuarius, birds, Image of the Day The cassowary, Casuarius casuarius, is a large, flightless bird that is native to Australia and New Guinea. Image: Orphaned [larger view].
June 22, 2008
tags: Birdbooker Report, bird books, natural history books, ecology books "One cannot have too many good bird books" --Ralph Hoffmann, Birds of the Pacific States (1927). Here's this week's issue of the Birdbooker Report by Ian "Birdbooker" Paulsen, which lists ecology, environment, natural…
June 21, 2008
tags: West 34th street Penn Station subway art, Circus of Garden Delights, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC Circus of Garden Delights. West 34th Street/Penn Station Subway tile mosaic art #1 [detail #4, looking from left to right] as seen at NYC's West 34th Street stop at 8th for…
June 21, 2008
I was offered a free Darwin shirt by the good people at CafePress because they were certain that I'd like it so much that I'd mention it on my blog. Well, they were right about that! I love my shirt and I love it even more because it arrived in time for me to wear when I visit London! They were…
June 21, 2008
Image: Orphaned. Already, I know which airline I plan to avoid for my flight across the pond to London: US Air. I just learned that, as of 1 August, US Air is instituting a $2 charge for all drinks on all domestic flights -- another way to nickle and dime their passengers to death, apparently.…
June 21, 2008
tags: Anna's hummingbird, Calypte anna, birds, Image of the Day Female Anna's Hummingbird, Calypte anna, sitting on her nest. Notice the uncommonly bright colors on her gorget. This bird is nesting on Bainbridge Island in Washington state. Image: Eva Gerdts, May 2008. [larger view].
June 21, 2008
tags:, quaternary ammonium compounds, fertility problems, repoductive problems, zoos, aviculture, medicine, disinfectants I know a fair number of zoos and aviculturists who disinfect the premises occupied by their breeding flocks of birds with quaternary ammonium compounds to…
June 20, 2008
tags: West 34th street Penn Station subway art, Circus of Garden Delights, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC Circus of Garden Delights. West 34th Street/Penn Station Subway tile mosaic art #1 [detail #3, looking from left to right] as seen at NYC's West 34th Street stop at 8th for…
June 20, 2008
tags: flowering succulents, Huernia zebrina, plants, Image of the Day Blossom from Huernia zebrina Image: Biosparite, 2008 [larger view].
June 20, 2008
tags: Anthropologists on Mars, autism, mental health, documentary, streaming video This streaming video is a short documentary that explores notions of happiness within the autistic spectrum. [4:56].
June 19, 2008
tags: West 34th street Penn Station subway art, Circus of Garden Delights, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC Circus of Garden Delights. West 34th Street/Penn Station Subway tile mosaic art #1 [detail #2, looking from left to right] as seen at NYC's West 34th Street stop at 8th for…
June 19, 2008
tags:, phylogeny, British birds, population decline, range contraction, Gavin H Thomas An adult male Eurasian blackbird, Turdus merula. Image: Wikipedia commons [larger view]. A paper recently published by British scientist, Gavin Thomas, a population biologist at…
June 19, 2008
tags: Marsh Wren, Cistothorus palustris, birds, nature, Image of the Day A Marsh Wren, Cistothorus palustris, gathers cattail material for its nest along the shore of Lost Lake in North Central Washington just 10 miles south of the Canadian Border. Image: Jeff Larsen, Writer/Photographer […
June 19, 2008
tags: 42, Shell Theorem, Newtonian physics, theoretical physics, bad science, streaming video This streaming video is a short presentation of a theoretical physics exercise to demonstrate Newtonian physics and the Shell Theorem [1:58]. Okayyy .. what's wrong with the er, "science" in this video?
June 18, 2008
tags: West 34th street Penn Station subway art, Circus of Garden Delights, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC Circus of Garden Delights. West 34th Street/Penn Station Subway tile mosaic art #1 [detail #1, looking from left to right] as seen at NYC's West 34th Street stop at 8th for…
June 18, 2008
I have more news about the European Science Blogging Conference in London, England. First, we have an official logo (see left)! Second, I just learned that I will be a panelist with two Nature Network Science Blog writers! We will be discussing a topic that is near and dear to my heart; Science,…
June 18, 2008
London at Night (Astronomy Picture of the Day). Image: ISS Crew, Earth Sciences and Image Analysis Lab, JSC, NASA [larger view]. Even though I've been quiet about my London trip for the upcoming European science blogging conference, I have been working on arrangements behind the scenes. This is…
June 18, 2008
tags: Ask a Science Blogger, why blog, blogs and science careers The most recent "Ask a Science Blogger" question submitted by a reader is [ask a question of your own]; There are many, many academic bloggers out there feverishly blogging about their areas of interest. Still, there are many,…
June 18, 2008
tags: Black-chinned Hummingbird, Archilochus alexandri, birds, nature, Image of the Day Female black-chinned Hummingbird, Archilochus alexandri, Cave Creek Canyon, AZ. Image: Dave Rintoul, June 2008 [larger view]. More images from Dave's recent Arizona vacation.
June 18, 2008
tags: Every Bird Should Get To Fly, flightless birds, washington state lottery, streaming video A friend sent me this clever streaming video, which is a sweet commercial for the Washington State Lottery .. it shows a variety of flightless bird species enjoying the gift of flight! [1:02]. So .. I…
June 17, 2008
tags: West 34th street Penn Station subway art, Circus of Garden Delights, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC This is the first image from this particular subway station. Circus of Garden Delights. West 34th Street/Penn Station Subway tile mosaic art #1 as seen from its right side…
June 17, 2008
tags: evolution, beak and body size, Geospiza fortis, inbreeding, mating patterns, reproductive isolation, sexual imprinting A family tree depicts the evolution of the 14 species of "Darwin's finches". (The focus of this study, the Medium Ground Finch, Geospiza fortis, is denoted with a red dot…
June 17, 2008
tags: Black-chinned Hummingbird, Archilochus alexandri, birds, nature, Image of the Day Male black-chinned Hummingbird, Archilochus alexandri, Cave Creek Canyon, AZ. Image: Dave Rintoul, June 2008 [larger view].
June 17, 2008
tags: Gerry Ellis, WoLong Nature Preserve, Ultimate Pandas, Giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, nature filming, endangered species, DVD review Everyone loves pandas, right? In fact, these lovable bears are the most recognizable icons worldwide for endangered species, even while remaining…
June 17, 2008
tags: rainforests, conservation, CO2, streaming video This streaming video provides yet another excellent reason that all the world's citizens should protect and conserve the world's rainforests. The music is "Nude (String FX Etc. Stem)" by Radiohead. [0:52].
June 16, 2008
tags: West 86th street subway art, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC West 86th Street Subway tile mosaic art #36 as seen at NYC's West 86th Street stop at Broadway for the downtown 1 train. (This piece was completed in 1989). Artist: Nitza Tufino. Image: GrrlScientist 2008 […
June 16, 2008
tags: Yellow-eyed Junco, Junco phaeonotus, birds, nature, Image of the Day My good friend, Dave Rintoul, has just returned from a much-deserved vacation camping in the Chiricahuas and Gila Wilderness area and sent a couple images to share with you. Yellow-eyed Junco, Junco phaeonotus, Cave Creek…