
Posts by this author
April 21, 2008
As many of you may/may not know, my two wonderful colleagues and I organize an interdisciplinary lecture series on science communication, called the Science Communication Consortium. It followed on the heels of the framing debate, after I invited Chris and Matt to speak at New York Academy of…
April 9, 2008
As a research studying maternal behavior, I come across a lot of sex & reproduction research. As a (very) general rule of thumb, most small mammals are either sexually receptive or parentally responsive - your sex circuits remain on until you have offspring to tend to, at which point your…
April 8, 2008
Despite the stacks of research that I've had wonderful intentions of blogging on for a while now (one dealing with the origins of elephant testes, to Jake's delight), a brief post today will have to suffice.
You see things like this, and your heart just swells.
Anonymous Philanthropist Donates 200…
February 13, 2008
Evolutionary biologist Olivia Judson imagines that they may have.
As she writes, there are scant signals cluing us in to the sexual life of the male T. Rex. Did he have a penis? Or perhaps just a cloaca, which avians, amphibians, and reptiles use to excrete waste, semen, or eggs (should he actually…
February 7, 2008
A post on kissing by fellow SciBling Sheril caught my eye, and I figured, why not pick a friendly argument as my inaugural post at Pure Pedantry (sorry, Jake).
She pointed out a recent SciAm writeup summarizing work by a team of kiss-intrigued researchers, including psychologist Gordon Gallup, PhD…
January 24, 2008
Here I am. Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in.
Honestly, I'm happy to be back in the blogosphere. The world is chock-full of great reproduction, sex, and parental research, and I'm thrilled to have a forum in which to talk about it. Jake was very sweet to take me under his wing.…