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William M. Connolley

Posts by this author

October 12, 2010
Well, the yanks did. Or maybe not, it really isn't clear. But what *is* clear is that initial reports that Linda Norgrove was killed by the Taliban were at best unreliable and probably made up. Apparently Cameroon still insists that the reports were "in good faith" which I think is code for "…
October 8, 2010 For all those who used to play with it in their bedrooms. B-52's: Roam. Beautiful song, though they wouldn't last 5 minutes outside the coccoon. RMG shreds someone who thinks Lake Superior is cold because of the last ice age. But he doess so politely and informatively, so it is well…
October 2, 2010
Hurrah. That saves lots of effort paying :-). Not long ago it was looking bad for the good guys (i.e., me) with a "douple dip" recession of sea ice. But a strong perforcance from the boys up north in the mushy white stuff stakes saw a sharp rebound at the end of the month, leading to a monthly…
October 1, 2010
I'm hoping that reproducing the Company's own press releases won't get me into too much trouble. CSR is today marking a major landmark in the company's 12 year history; the production of its two billionth chip on 30 September 2010. Having celebrated the production of its billionth chip rollout in…
September 30, 2010
From RP Jr and Nurture. Well, not quite direct lies, more in the nature of deliberately-misleading by omission. But I have a work colleague who habitually accuses me of spreading climate lies (hello Hugo!) so it only seems fair to use the phrase myself. [From the Nature article,] It isn't quite…
September 28, 2010
Misc people have lauded Kwame Anthony Appiah and his piece What will future generations condemn us for? He comes up with four fairly obvious and worthy answers: prisons, industrialised meat, isolation of the elderly, the environment. He doesn't dare mention some other obvious ones: the war on…
September 28, 2010
Part I refers, in which I take PZ to task for getting too carried away over some harmless minor piece of hydrodynamics. PZ didn't show up in the comment thread for his post after I criticised him there, which I took as an implicit admission of error, and was all ready to forget it. But no, PZ bites…
September 27, 2010
Read it and weep.
September 26, 2010
I liked it, anyway, enough to clean it up. Perhaps better in context: Echo Park Time Travel Mart (via TS's feed). And the Victorian iPods are good, too. Via CIP, who feels for the suffering rich, a good piece from Krugman (which is itself really from Brad DeLong) Rat Race America. On why those who…
September 23, 2010
I don't, in general, read my fellow science blogs. Not because I hate them, you understand, but because they talk about other stuff. But I was lead to Inventing excuses for a Bible story, and getting them published in a science journal? and was immeadiately struck by (a) how strident it seemed,…
September 21, 2010
Judith Curry is now blogging, which is probably a good thing, because now instead of nitpicking other people's blogs she is now attempting to say what she thinks. Unfortunately this results in some very strange things. In doubt she appears to believe that, over the next century, natural variablity…
September 20, 2010
The rowing one, that is. It was just like last year except wetter, and we were better, but our cox was less lovely. Oh, and as promised, this is the last of the random rowing-n-running types posts here. You need to go to the other blog for that from now on, except for important stuff like the…
September 17, 2010
Bloody Pope. In a major speech reported all over the UK and probably around the world, the Pope whinged about religion being silenced [1]. Quite why he can't see the obvious problem in that is a mystery. Maybe self-awareness isn't his strong point. For extra fun, Ian Paisley denounces the Pope is…
September 13, 2010
[Warning: more boring fitness-related content. This is the penultimate post on such, before moving the misc trivia over to The science will stay here.] Saturday-before-last James E said that the Grunty Fen half marathon was on the 12th; and being a little unsober I…
September 9, 2010
The latest crop of links-n-stuff. First up is this superb photo - ht TS's google reader feed. It won second prize but for my money is far and away better than any of the others (higher-res version - thanks BD). Its tagged as a "condensation rainbow" but it isn't, I think (wrong shape). It is…
September 5, 2010
So, I didn't like the IAC prescription for the IPCC. So I need my own. And I forgot that I already had one. PK said it well in the comments: How many IPCC reports does it take to screw in a light bulb? The bureaucratic solution for inefficient bureaucracy always seems to be more bureaucracy. If the…
September 4, 2010
Or rather, Parkrun which D+A introduced me to. Thats me, the one on the right: I wanted to be that dog, at least for the race. It looks so focussed and determined, even if it is just chasing a stuffed electric hare. And the running is good, so I'll tell you all about it so you can play too. It is…
September 3, 2010
It am all de rage, as they say. But is it any good? And who are the IAC anyway? Go on, hands up, before they were asked to do this: had anyone heard of them? Thought not: I certainly hadn't. This is an organisation so well-known that the wikipedia article on [[IAC]] (note: that is today's version;…
September 3, 2010 is a new project from the clear climate code folks - go have a look. And maybe even do something :-). It am all de rage at the moment to dothis stuff, and it will be interesting how "open source" attempts mesh together with more heavyweight government backed efforts. What next - "…
September 2, 2010
There are no google hits for "Belette Labs" and this (for reasons that will become clear later) needs remedying.
August 31, 2010
So: "Scientific Perspectives on the Greenhouse Problem" by Jastrow, Nierenberg and Seitz, published by the Marshall Institute, has turned up. Now I have to read it. I got mine from abebooks, if you're interested. One thing to note is that it was published in 1990, and so has access to IPCC '90:…
August 31, 2010
Right, the previous thread has spilled off a discussion of Jastrow, Nierenberg and Seitz and their representation of a Hansen et al. figure. I have the feeling that the JNS paper may have appeared in multiple places, but the one I have access to is: There is a lot wrong with that abstract (…
August 31, 2010
If you read SEWOTHA (which I highly recommend you to do; and read the book, not just the blog, which has gone a bit quiet recently) you'll discover the idea that the only really viable way of getting *all* our energy needs in a sustainable way is from solar power plants in the hot deserts - in the…
August 30, 2010
Accelerated warming of the Southern Ocean and its impacts on the hydrological cycle and sea ice? refers, as does Curry's comments in the comments. I suspect we're now at the going-round-in-circles stage, but it is probably worth one more spin. Curry begins rather gracelessly: William, all of these…
August 27, 2010
Its friday, time for some lighter stuff. * Cameron (not, not the Borkeback one) won't debate Morano, and Morano is happy to crow. All good knockabout fun, and Cameron ends up looking like a fool, but who cares? He is a film director. * RC notes this appalling error by the Black Helicopter Gang: "I…
August 25, 2010
Back in 2008, I examined the Oreskes vs Nierenberg affair and concluded that Nicolas Nierenberg was correct and Oreskes was wrong. And then NN capped that by actually writing stuff up into a paper, published in July of this year: Early Climate Change Consensus at the National Academy: The Origins…
August 23, 2010
Yes, the review you've all been waiting for. Before I start, let me point out that this has been discussed by WE at WUWT, who has pointed out the obvious problem. It has also been mentioned by KK, though that appears to be more of a meta-discussion about the paper's reception rather than the paper…
August 20, 2010
[Originally posted 27/7; updated a few times and now again (see end) so re-publishing with current date to push it to the top] It looks like it is finally time to announce Judith Curry's departure for the dark side, prompted by her comments at RC. I still think she has good intentions, at heart,…
August 17, 2010
I don't think I mentioned that last summer we dragged the kids off to the Stubai (Franz Senn and Sulzenau), and they liked it enough that we did it again this year (FSH and Neue Regensburger). Stuff from that when I have time, but in the meantime I know I *have* mentionned my shiny new GPS watch…
August 5, 2010
Bumps is over, so tis the season for off-the-river exercise again. Yes, I know that no-one but me cares about this but it is *my* blog. 30 minute erg, heart rate. Split varying from 1:56 to 2:00 for most of it, down to 1:39 just before the line (yes I know: it means I should have pusehed earlier…