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Tim Lambert

Posts by this author

May 30, 2007
In 1995, several think tanks mounted vitrolic attacks on the title="Food and Drug Administration"> href="">FDA using expensive radio, television and print ads. In an article in the Los Angeles Times Myron Levin href="">wrote…
May 29, 2007
Remember how Christopher Monckton claimed that Gavin Menzies' fantasies about the Chinese navy sailing around the Arctic in 1421 proved it was warmer then? EG Beck (of CO2 graph nonsense fame) makes the same argument and has a map to prove it: Hey, who can argue if he has a map? By the way, all…
May 28, 2007
The wedge document is the Discovery Institute's secret plan to defeat scientific materialism and promote Creationism. Below is Africa Fighting Malaria's wedge document. One part of the wedge is to use a simple message: "banning DDT spread malaria and killed people" to drive a wedge between…
May 27, 2007
Today is the 100th anniversary of Rachel Carson's birth. Time named her one of the 100 most influential people in the 20th century: Silent Spring, serialized in the New Yorker in June 1962, gored corporate oxen all over the country. Even before publication, Carson was violently assailed by threats…
May 27, 2007
Martin Durkin's "Great Global Warming Swindle" used fake graphs to try to make a case that global warming is a hoax. Compare their version of temperature change (on left) which they claimed came from NASA with what you actually get from NASA. Now the Australian Broadcasting Corporation has decided…
May 26, 2007
It turns out that global warming denialist Sinclair Davidson is also a Lancet denialist: The Carson piece tells us it's impossible to spray 3/4 of the houses in malarial areas. Yet, the Lancet tells us a research team went to every house in Baghdad (at 15 min per house, in the middle of the day, in…
May 26, 2007
You know what's coming when a post starts with: "At times it seems that there are more sites honoring Rachel Carson that Josef Stalin at his peak." J. R. Dunn has written the usual Rachel-killed-millions post, but has added some fabrications that seem to be original with him: In 1958 Carson…
May 23, 2007
From the people who gave you "CO2: We call it life", we now have a website: "Rachel Carson: we call her a baby killer". They have pictures of children they allege Carson killed on every single page of the site. And while they have several pages and thousands of words on DDT and on malaria, nowhere…
May 23, 2007
Via Gristmill, reasic's magisterial debunking of Michael Crichton's silly "Aliens Cause Global Warming" talk.
May 21, 2007
Glenn Reynolds approvingly quotes Rich Karlgaard's ill-informed comments on Rachel Carson: FORBES' RICH KARLGAARD ASKS how many people died because of Rachel Carson? Buried in paragraph 27, and paraphrasing the Congressman, The Washington Post concedes that "numerous" deaths might have been…
May 21, 2007
MarkH has written a guide to the global warming denialists. The Competive Enterprise Institute wins the "bottom of the barrel" rating.
May 20, 2007
I wrote earlier about William Broad's many misrepresentations in his story that criticised Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. Now Kevin Libin has produced an article for the National Post that makes Broad look like a paragon of virtue. Look at this: James E. Hansen, a NASA scientist and one of Mr.…
May 19, 2007
In 1962 Monsanto published a parody of Silent Spring called The Desolate Year where they imagined death and destruction from "the garrote of Nature" if the United States went without pesticides for a year. Quietly, then, the desolate year began. Not many people seemed aware of danger. After all,…
May 18, 2007
Roger Pielke Jr has stopped blogging. James Annan comments: It had appeared for some time that RPJr's his blog was on the wane, attracting little more than a handful of denialist ditto-heads, and now he's decided to knock it on the head. Personally, I found much of Roger's blogging to be…
May 18, 2007
NASA's GISS has on-line graphing system that lets you see a graph of temperatures for a particular weather station (For example, here is Sydney airport).) Steve McIntyre decided to run a script that asked the GISS system to produce graphs of each and every station in the data set (thousands of…
May 17, 2007
The New Scientist has published a handy guide, rounding up 26 of the most common myths and misperceptions in climate science.
May 17, 2007
Via Angry Toxicologist, John Gravois on The Secret: Oprah, I don't think you've done quite enough to make up for turning the Law of Attraction into the biggest thing since TomKat. Since you gave it your endorsement, The Secret has become one of the fastest-selling books and probably the most…
May 17, 2007
John Quiggin: Phillip Adams and Peter Dixon have prepared a reply (over the fold) to the opinion piece by Robson and Davidson in the Australian which offered a range of incoherent criticisms of proposals to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Disgracefully, but not at all surprisingly, the Oz has…
May 13, 2007
Rupert Murdoch might be concerned about the harm that threatens from global warming, but the Australian is still in denial, printing an opinion piece by Alex Robson and Sinclair Davidson, who continue to deny the existence of scientific evidence for man-made warming: The petition also states "the…
May 11, 2007
Desmogblog have organised a petition asking Fox to fire Steve Milloy. Sign it here. If Desmogblog's reasons aren't enough, consider this: Milloy wrote articles for Fox about how cigarette smoke was not harmful, while taking undisclosed payments from a tobacco company. Cato showed him the door…
May 9, 2007
It's choose your own adventure time at Skeptic's Circle 60!
May 8, 2007
What did Steve McItyre when he discovered that his post claiming that Bob Ward's complaint was discredited was completely wrong? He originally wrote: My main point here is that the RMS [actually by Bob Ward - TL] letter, publicly endorsed by the 37 profs, all supposedly experts in climate science…
May 8, 2007
Christopher Monckton gets profiled in the Observer: From those momentous words on, in his own head, Christopher Monckton appears always to have been starring in a Boy's Own adventure entitled 'Monckton Saves the Day!' ... For a start, in this adventure, in which he routinely wore a bowler hat,…
May 6, 2007
Steve McIntyre attempts to defend Martin Durkin against Bob Ward's criticism: In a legal complaint about inaccuracies in Swindle, one would expect meticulous accuracy, but once again in their statements about sulphates, RMS and the 37 profs [actually Bob Ward -TL] make claims in their complaint…
May 5, 2007
John Berlau has responded to my post on his accusations that environmentalists were racists. Berlau starts by describing me as: a computer science professor who fancies himself an expert on everything from DDT to climate change. Berlau, I should note, is a journalist with (to my knowledge) no…
May 3, 2007
Nature has started Climate Feedback, a blog on climate change. One of the first posts is by Roger Pielke Jr, who claims Even the venerable New York Times is prone to completely botching a discussion of the science of climate change. In a front page article today, the NYT reports on how the…
May 3, 2007
In 2005 I wrote about a survey of "renowned scientists" conducted by spiked (if you've never heard of spiked, read this) that included 14 global warming skeptics and only three from the mainstream of climate science. Now they've conducted another survey, asking "key thinkers in science, technology…
May 3, 2007
David Glenn reports: The economist Steven D. Levitt's colleagues at the University of Chicago might be tempted to cancel their classes and wander down to Chicago's federal courthouse on October 1. That's the date that has been set for the trial in John R. Lott Jr.'s defamation suit against Mr.…
May 2, 2007
Gareth Renowden has started a blog about climate change and New Zealand. He's going to use the term "climate cranks" for those people. Plus he has the latest from Ringworld.
May 2, 2007
Nexus 6 notes that Andrew Bolt has come another cropper after he posted a graph showing a cool April in Australia and implied that this was evidence against global warming. Unfortunately for Bolt, the cool April was in 2006. Nexus 6 also reminds of an earlier episode where Bolt posted a graph…