Bolt pranked?

Nexus 6 notes that Andrew Bolt has come another cropper after he posted a graph showing a cool April in Australia and implied that this was evidence against global warming. Unfortunately for Bolt, the cool April was in 2006.

Nexus 6 also reminds of an earlier episode where Bolt posted a graph showing that the stratosphere was cooling, clearly unaware that that was exactly the thing that climate models predicted.

For the April debacle Bolt credits:

(Thanks to reader John McLean.)

And for his stratospheric bungle Bolt credits:

(Thanks to reader John McLean.)

Good work, John McLean!

Update: Figures for April 2007 are now out. It wasn't the warmest on record, but it was in the top ten.


Compare with Bolt's version.

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So whenever we find some datum which with a very naive interpretation could be construed to disprove GW, we should send it to Bolt. -Or perhaps we should just point John McLean at it, and let him do the dirty work.

Actually, maybe Bolt has moved onto the next stage of denialism - 'we need more warm', 'cause like Australia is soooo cold.

Anyway, I'd be kind of fun to send him garbage like John McLean has and see if he publishes as proof of the greenleftislamofascistnazi conspiracy. Shouldn't be too difficult, I'd reckon.

Poor old shotties can't get a trick right. He gets over excited.

By Bill O'Slatter (not verified) on 02 May 2007 #permalink

McLean is probably the most prominent amateur sceptic in Victoria. He pops up all over the place (including in our local newspaper).

By Hot & Bothered (not verified) on 02 May 2007 #permalink

Come on, we all know global warming is a hoax. Toronto has gotten progressively colder over the last 72 hours. How much more proof do you want?

By LogicallySpeaking (not verified) on 02 May 2007 #permalink

Dear old Bolt ought to come over the western and central Europe which has had it warmest ever autumn, followed by its warmest ever winter and now which is having its warmest ever spring. Get this for the Netherlands: it hasn't rained over most of the country for almost 7 weeks (the last widespread rain was on March 23rd), and the mean April temperature was almost 5 C above nomral. During the month the warmest ever April day (almost 30 C) was recorded in Limburg. Last year July was the warmest ever month recorded in the country; south facing foliage of trees was dying along the Rhein river in temperatures that reached 37 C. And remember, this is Holland we are talking about; not Greece or Iberia.

Bolt should (but of course won't) check out the NASA global surface temperature charts and graphs over the past century or so, using the 1951-1980 mean as a baseline. These data demolish his puny argument that climate change is not happening.

By Jeff Harvey (not verified) on 02 May 2007 #permalink

McLean is probably the most prominent amateur sceptic in Victoria. He pops up all over the place (including in our local newspaper).

By Hot & Bothered (not verified) on 02 May 2007 #permalink

McLean is probably the most prominent amateur sceptic in Victoria. He pops up all over the place (including in our local newspaper).

By Hot & Bothered (not verified) on 02 May 2007 #permalink

McLean is probably the most prominent amateur sceptic in Victoria. He pops up all over the place (including in our local newspaper).

By Hot & Bothered (not verified) on 02 May 2007 #permalink