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Tim Lambert

Posts by this author

May 28, 2006
After everyone laughed at their first two ads, CEI have made another one. This purports to compare Gore's CO2 emissions from flying around to give his presentation on global warming with that of an average person. This screen capture shows that Gore's CO2 meter is about 683,000,000, while the one…
May 27, 2006
The Editors on Gregg Easterbrook: I was going to do a whole thing about how disingenuous Gregg Easterbrook has been about global warming, but I see that Media Matters has already done a very thorough job. I would like to highlight one rather egregious item they missed, which comes from his dramatic…
May 27, 2006
Several days ago I described how the World Bank's Booster Program and Attaran et al both misunderstood an article published by Akhavan, Musgrove, Abrantes, and Gusmao. Since then, the World Bank has corrected the error while Attaran, even though his mistake has been drawn to his attention, has not…
May 26, 2006
Roger Dewhurst, who is a member of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition, has sent a letter to NZ MPs: "I was appalled to see a one page propaganda sheet apparently put out by the Ministry of Education which made it abundantly clear that officialdom has swallowed the anthropogenic (man-made)…
May 25, 2006
John Quiggin notes that Michael Shermer and Sir David Attenborough have now accepted that the evidence for global warming is overwhelming and that the skeptics now mostly consist of the deluded like Ken Ring and the shills like the CEI. Speaking of which, here's the latest from Ken Ring. Cameron:…
May 25, 2006
Skeptico got a creationist guest blogger to put together the 35th Skeptics' Circle. Check it out.
May 24, 2006
Tim Blair is incensed at my conclusion that Steyn had stolen from a blogger. He calls me "the Lambot" and "a thief", searches for something to attack me with ... and comes up with an incorrect comment I made on another blog. I guess I'm in good shape if that's the best he can come with.…
May 24, 2006
UNICEF reports: Despite the laudable efforts of the Public Distribution System (PDS) of food baskets, many of Iraq's poorer households are still food insecure, according to a Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis launched today, based on the most recent data from 2005. ... Roger Wright, UNICEF'…
May 24, 2006
Probable human to human to human transmission.
May 23, 2006
This weeks ask a Science blogger question is: "If you could shake the public and make them understand one scientific idea, what would it be?" Random sampling. If I want to know how many crimes there were in the country last year, you get a more accurate answer if you take a random sample of…
May 23, 2006
I think Exxon should be asking for their money back from some of the think tanks they are funding. I mean, these people are supposed to be slick professionals, well versed in the art of media manipulation, but they've completely lost the plot on Al Gore's movie An Inconvenient Truth. First we had…
May 23, 2006
Pinko Punko applied for a job at the CEI. The Editors award Ron Bailey the coveted Golden Winger. Ron Bailey comments on my earlier post: You invited me to come on down, so here I am a bit late (you really should email those invitations to me rather have me google them). Anyway, CEI's spots are not…
May 22, 2006
Philip Musgrove, one of the authors of the paper that Amir Attaran misunderstood writes: The one--and only--point on which Attaran and his co-authors are right is that in the Appendix to the Booster Program document, someone at the World Bank who had not participated in the analysis of the…
May 21, 2006
The Washington Post reveals that Roy Spencer is the man behind environmentalist parody site Somewhere in an office about 600 miles southwest of here, former NASA scientist Roy W. Spencer is laughing. The 50-year-old, white-haired PhD dreamed up the spoof site -- sort of the Onion…
May 20, 2006
Quoting myself: One of the less pleasant parts of my job is talking to students that I have caught plagiarizing assignments. All too often, rather than admit to copying they will tell me clumsy lies and blame somebody else. Like Mark Steyn. When he was caught stealing from a blog post by Geoff…
May 20, 2006
Media Matters catches Pat Michaels in an outrageous bit of quote mining: MICHAELS: Well, it's an exaggeration. Global warming is a very real thing. People have something to do with it in the last several decades of the 20th century. But what people do on this issue is they exaggerate it. I have a…
May 19, 2006
The reviews are in on the CEI's ads: Ha ha ha ha ha. Here's a small selection: Andrew Sullivan: I'm not going to knock CO2. And when you watch the ad, you'll find it comes out of your lungs in short, sharp bursts of laughter. Seed's Daily Zeitgeist: Ha! This is great. Let's apply their logic to…
May 18, 2006
In a previous post I wrote that the "leading climate scientists" in the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition only contained one actual climate scientist, Chris de Freitas. I was wrong. They have prominent links to papers by de Freitas, but he's not on their list of members. So the Climate…
May 18, 2006
RealClimate informs us of two ads being put out by the Onion Competitive Enterprise Institute. Punchline: "CO2: they call it pollution, we call it Life!". If the CEI staff was locked in an airtight room, would they still call CO2 Life? If you are unfamiliar with the Competitive Enterprise…
May 17, 2006
The New York Times reported: The World Bank failed to follow through on its pledges to spend up to $500 million to combat malaria, let its staff working on the disease shrink to zero, used false statistical data to claim success and wasted money on ineffective medicines, according to a group of…
May 17, 2006
The New Zealand Climate Science Coalition registered for their domain. A bit cheeky, given the dearth of actual climate scientists in their "coalition". Greenpeace New Zealand has countered by registering and and creating a web site…
May 16, 2006
This week's ask a ScienceBlogger question is "Will the 'human' race be around in 100 years?" Yes. Even a big nuclear war or genetically engineered super-virus won't kill everybody. That leaves the possibility of the Singularity arriving and everybody transforming themselves into something…
May 15, 2006
Richard Lindzen has jumped on Bob Carter's global warming stopped in 1998 bandwagon. Here's one slide from a presentation he gave at right-wing Swedish think tank. In the text he claims that that there has been almost no rise since 1986, but in his talk (at 38:00) he told the audience to ignore…
May 14, 2006
Reporting on global warming in the media is far too often of the "he said/she said" type that just leaves the impression with the reader that is controversial and there is no way for the reader to work out what is really happening. So I should point to this article in the Wall Street Journal…
May 14, 2006
We were out walking the dog at Malabar Bay and saw some dolphins. They're not an unusual sight in the ocean off Sydney but I've never seen them this close before -- you could almost reach out and touch them. There were about a dozen of them and they were splashing around for about half an hour.…
May 11, 2006
In February I linked to a detailed report in IEEE Spectrum that explained how billions of dollars had been wasted and electricity production in Iraq at 3,600 megawatts was still less than it was before the war. Glenn Reynolds felt that the report was "sort of good news". Now Reynolds reports more…
May 10, 2006
It's a gem of a Skeptic's Circle over at Second Sight. Check it out.
May 10, 2006
Daniel Son writes While an inordinate amount of attention is given to distant, theoretical threats of global warming, a tragically minimal amount of attention is given to the life and death problems of today, some of which directly result from policies enacted to stave off the "disastrous"…
May 9, 2006
ScienceBlogs has a new feature where all the bloggers answer a question. Today's question: "If you could cause one invention from the last hundred years never to have been made at all, which would it be, and why?" Easy. Cold fusion. Don't get me wrong --- I think it's great that I can run my…
May 9, 2006
The fun never ends with Glenn Reynolds' "steal the oil" post. Tim Blair exclaims: Warming alarmite Tim Lambert (current average daily visits: 3,577) is now demanding $520 per week for ad space at his rarely-viewed site; $3360 for three months! Guess that explains his recent graceless attempts to…