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Tim Lambert

Posts by this author

May 25, 2005
Congratulations to blogger Arthur Chrenkoff for getting an article in the New York Times based on his "Good news from Iraq" posts. I thought it would be interesting to look at all the good news from Iraq on one topic so we can see how things have progressed over the year that Chrenkoff has been…
May 25, 2005
I wrote earlier on Zbigniew Jaworowski's piece claiming that measurements of pre-industrial CO2 were wrong. Now Jim Easter has written a masterful post, detailing twenty-two false or misleading statements made by Jaworowski. Go and read, it's beautiful work.
May 20, 2005
Steve Levitt has replied to Lott's review of Freakonomics: Now let's talk about John Lott for a minute. Along with John Whitley, he wrote a paper on abortion and crime. It is so loaded with inaccurate claims, errors and statistical mistakes that I hate to even provide a link to it, but for the…
May 18, 2005
In a comment to my previous post on Benny Peiser's claim that Naomi Oreskes article on the scientific consensus was wrong, Meyrick made a good case that Peiser had conducted a different search than Oreskes: Think I've finally worked out how to replicate Oreskes' search. There are 2 fundemental…
May 17, 2005
Last year, global warming denialist Bob Carter wrote a Tech Central Station article where he claimed that satellite measurements show little or no long-term trend of temperature change. I emailed him to point that the satellites actually showed significant warming. He replied that this didn't…
May 15, 2005
Jim Lindgren agrees with me that the ILCS supports the Lancet study. He also raises some concerns about some of the numbers in Lancet study: I find it somewhat odd that heart attack and stroke deaths are up 64% in the later period, and accidental deaths are up more than 3-fold. And live births…
May 14, 2005
People who suffer from Asperger's Syndrome have grave difficulties with social interactions because they have trouble in reading other people's emotions. I recently read an interesting interview with Bram Cohen (the inventor of BitTorrent) who suffers from Asperger's. Which brings us to Tim…
May 14, 2005
The results of the Iraq Living Conditions Survey 2004 have been published. (Earlier discussion of the study is here.) As Iraqi Minister of Planning Barham Salih said, "This survey shows a rather tragic situation of the quality of life in Iraq." The study shows that living condition have…
May 13, 2005
It's out! The Eighth Skeptics Circle.
May 12, 2005
Back in 2003 I reported on The Case of the File from the Future, where Lott tried to destroy some incriminating evidence, but did it so ineptly that he made things worse for himself. Well, he's done it again. After I posted the story of Economist123 and his book reviews, "Tom H" (one of Lott's…
May 11, 2005
You've met Mary Rosh and maximcl and Washingtonian. Now meet Bob H and Tom H and Sam and Kevin H and Too bad Tim is not very accurate and Gregg. Yes, Lott created a whole army of sockpuppets that he uses to post comments on my blog. At first he would use just one sock to make a point or dispute…
May 10, 2005
If you use a pseudonym to post a five-star review of your book: More Guns, Less Crime by John Lott Important accurate info that Opponents constantly distort, November 8, 2001 Reviewer: Economist123 - See all my reviews This is by far the most comprehensive study ever done on guns. It provides…
May 10, 2005
In April, New Scientist published a letter from David Bellamy denying global warming and claiming: Indeed, if you take all the evidence that is rarely mentioned by the Kyotoists into consideration, 555 of all the 625 glaciers under observation by the World Glacier Monitoring Service in Zurich,…
May 8, 2005
I went to a get together for bloggers in Sydney last night. Writing more about it than I am are Fulmination Dave, Leigh Cartwright, Bourbonbird, an-open-mind, the bed and breakfast man, Misha, Dreadnought and Glen Fuller. Of particular note is Dreadnought's account of having to leave after a…
May 6, 2005
Dennis Bray has replied to my post on his study. I am very disapointed in his response. He writes: For the two groups, the 'sceptics' and the 'saviours' there seems to have been equal access. If any one knows of other postings I would be interested to note how far the survey was distributed.…
May 5, 2005
Chris Mooney has some comments on the Peiser/Oreskes dispute about the scientific literature on climate change. I asked Benny Peiser for his list of 34 abstracts that "reject or doubt the view that human activities are the main drivers of the 'the observed warming over the last 50 years'." (…
May 3, 2005
Oh no! Will the owners of this site be hearing from Tim Blair's lawyers?
May 1, 2005
In a report on a climate change seminar, Bernd Ströher and Benny Peiser write: Particularly revealing were the almost sensational results of a survey conducted by Prof. Bray among some 500 German and European climate researchers. The results show impressively that the much-repeated claim of a "…
April 30, 2005
To mark the centenary of the publication of Einstein's famous equation, Spiked has surveyed over 250 renowned scientists, science communicators, and educators - including 11 Nobel laureates - asking what they would teach the world about science and why, if they could pick just one thing. They…
April 30, 2005
Check out the Seventh Skeptics Circle here.
April 27, 2005
This book review by Matt Taibi of Thomas Friedman's The World is Flat is brilliantly funny. Go read it. Taibi's review has been widely linked and praised by bloggers but I have found a blogger who didn't like it---John Ray, who wrote about it: But reading these diatribes of rage and hate does…
April 27, 2005
Lott's responses to Michelle Malkin's op-ed are in a fixed-width font, while my comments on his response are in italics like this. Lott's responses were downloaded on 25 April 2005. Below is Malkin's op-ed with commentary by me (my comments are indented and in italics and start…
April 24, 2005
Socialist Worker has an interview with Les Roberts about his Lancet survey. There are comments on the interview on Crooked Timber and Shot by Both Sides. Roberts makes the point that a NEJM study that surveyed US soldiers on whether they had killed a non-combatant in Iraq tends to support the…
April 22, 2005
Ken Parish, bored, is asking bloggers to post their scores on the political compass survey. I already have a page where bloggers can do this, but it is a bit unwieldy with 500+ entries. So I thought it would be interesting to do one just for Australian bloggers. [Go here to see the table…
April 19, 2005
A new organization has sprung into existence in Australia to support solutions to the unresolved issues of climate change which are based on sound science, use market mechanisms and trade liberalisation as a key driver of economic growth and poverty reduction. They are…
April 18, 2005
Via Chris Mooney I find this comprehensive Mother Jones feature on the science and politics of global warming. I found it interesting to compare this handy chart of forty think tanks that have received scads of money from ExxonMobil and have denied the existence of global warming with my own…
April 16, 2005
I got some spam from David Horowitz asking for donations to fund his lifestyle or something. Brad R. at Sadly, No, got the same spam. (Except that where his had "Brad" mine had "Tim".) So who is this Horowitz fellow? Via Ralph Luker I found a discussion he had with Tim Burke. Burke began with…
April 16, 2005
The Sixth Skeptics Circle is here. Check it out.
April 15, 2005
Reading and listening to global warming sceptics can get a little tedious because they keep trotting out the same discredited arguments. So I've come up with a little game you can play to make it more interesting. I call it Global Warming Sceptic Bingo! Just tick the box when they use the…
April 14, 2005
Michael Duffy has followed up his radio show that misrepresented the science of global warming with more of the same. He had Bob Carter on this time and Carter trotted out all the favourite falsehoods of the global warming sceptics. Actually, Carter complains about being called a sceptic: Such…