Seventh Skepticâs Circle

Check out the Seventh Skeptics Circle here.

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This is just a brief announcement to inform everyone that, as part of a project to update and improve the Skeptics' Circle main site, I've updated the link list in the sidebar to cull broken links, add several new skeptical blogs that I've come across (or older skeptical blogs that I've never…

Great stuff, thanks for sharing. I almost fell out of my chair laughing at the astrologer suing NASA for interfering with comets.

Wonderful - I'm bookmarking that sceptic circle site. I liked the one about the image of the Virgin Mary appearing in salt stains under a bridge in Chicago. It reminded me of the fence post at Coogee Beach in Sydney that people believed was an apparition - I had to go see that for myself to believe it (not believe the apparition, but believe there were literally hundreds of people kneeling and praying to a fencepost).

Ah, ye of little faith! How do you explain that after the Virgin of the Underpass was defaced by a vandal (who wrote "Big Lie" over it in shoe polish), and then painted over by state workers, she magically reappeared due to the efforts of two car wash employees and some solvent?


Seriously, I am not bothered by such harmless expressions of faith.

What bothers me is how mainstream this kind of insanity is in the US: Darwin on trial: Evolution hearings open in Kansas.