Tim Lambert
Posts by this author
January 27, 2011
Andrew Bolt liked the trick of pointing to the one part of a document that doesn't mention floods and pretending that there is no mention of floods in the whole document so much that he did it again in his column:
The mantra was that global warming meant drought for us, and the 2007 Synthesis…
January 24, 2011
The ABC's AM radio show had a story on the record temperatures in 2010 and chose to let Bob Carter to spout falsehoods without any challenge. They didn't even ask him about his frequent claims that world had been cooling for a decade. Gareth Renowden has the details.
January 22, 2011
Andrew Bolt is desperate to prove that the floods in Queensland had nothing to do with global warming, even though the science suggests that warming will make floods worse. So has fully embraced an argument advanced by hauntingthelibrary:
If warming caused these floods, why didn't warmists predict…
January 20, 2011
Deep Climate catches Steve McIntyre in a particularly outrageous piece of quote mining. McIntyre strips a sentence written by Trenberth from its context to make it appear that Trenberth was saying that Jones was an IPCC author for the first time, when in fact Trenberth was saying that Jones was an…
January 18, 2011
Imre Salusinszky in a column in the The Australian declares that global warming is dead because:
last year was the coldest year since 2001.
Apparently he doesn't read The Australian which just five days earlier reported: "2010 warmest year on record".
Salusinszky's logic is this:
According to the…
January 17, 2011
Continuing the discussion with Richard Tol, Eli Rabett looks at how FUND models the costs of ecosystem damage and finds that it has a catastrophic loss of bio-diversity in 40 years -- 99% of species going extinct, but this only costs $250 per person because the only cost counted is that it makes…
January 13, 2011
Andrew Bolt thirteen months ago:
Note down the prediction:
David Jones, the head of climate analysis at the Bureau of Meteorology, said yesterday that claims by sceptics the planet was cooling were wrong... Dr Jones said an El Nino event in the Pacific Ocean - linked to hotter, drier conditions in…
January 11, 2011
Mike Steketee bucks the groupthink at The Australian with an article on why it is necessary to adapt to the coming global warming. Christopher Monckton responds with a Gish gallop of 24 points where he alleges Steketee got it wrong. Steketee's response is devasting: again and again and again he…
January 9, 2011
Andrew Bolt may have the worst case of confirmation bias ever seen. To Bolt, whether something is true or not has nothing to do with its accuracy and everything to do with whether it suits him or not. Here in its entirety,
If the evidence were so strong, there'd be no need for such untruths
January 8, 2011
Congratulations to the UNSW students in the Sunswift team who have broken the Guinness World Record for fastest Solar-Powered vehicle.
January 8, 2011
Via BigCityLib (whose post title I stole), the story of Richard Tol's approach to science:
For the 2008 project, Tol co-wrote a paper along with Gary Yohe of Wesleyan University and two researchers from the Electric Power Research Institute, a US trade association. The two climate change proposals…
January 8, 2011
John Mashey has updated his report on the investigation into Wegman's misconduct. Deep Climate has some comments.
January 6, 2011
Hey, remember how Don Easterbrook deliberately falsified a baseline to make it look like past temperatures were warmer than current ones? Well, he's at it again. He has taken a graph of temperature proxies for Greenland and used the value for 1855 as the "present". Gareth Renowden comments
1855 â…
January 6, 2011
You may recall Ken Ring, who gave us this gem:
CO2 is also nearly twice as heavy as air (molecular weight 44, that of air 29) so it cannot rise anywhere beyond haze level of a couple of hundred feet.
Now Channel Seven's Sunrise has done its viewers a disservice by having Ken Ring on to argue that…
January 5, 2011
The detailed examination of the Wakefiled fraud is by Brian Deer: How the case against the MMR vaccine was fixed. The British Medical Journal editorial summarises:
Who perpetrated this fraud? There is no doubt that it was Wakefield. Is it possible that he was wrong, but not dishonest: that he was…
December 23, 2010
Merry Christmas to all my readers. Enjoy this 1946 ad for DDT -- you can put it everywhere!
December 23, 2010
Deep Climate details how GMU has failed to follow its own policies in its investigation of Wegman:
Perhaps, then, it's time to take the obvious next step - a formal complaint to the Office of Research Integrity. And not against Wegman and Said, but against George Mason University itself. In fact,…
December 22, 2010
Gareth Renowden has the details.
December 21, 2010
You know, we used to be able to laugh at the Poms for electing a gullible fool like Boris Johnson Lord Mayor of London, but then The Sydney Morning Herald goes and republishes Johnson's stupidity:
Allow me to introduce readers to Piers Corbyn, meteorologist and brother of my old chum, bearded…
December 20, 2010
Michael Asten has sent me a response to my comments on his opinion piece (See also John Quiggin on that piece). My reply is at the end of this post.
I thank Tim Lambert for his interest in my commentary article, and for the opportunity to provide a response.
First the title, "The Australian's War…
December 19, 2010
S. Fred Singer isn't pleased with Merchants of Doubt, so tries to play gotcha!:
Oreskes' and Conway's science is as poor as their historical expertise. To cite just one example, their book blames lung cancer from cigarette smoking on the radioactive oxygen-15 isotope. They cannot explain, of…
December 18, 2010
The Australian takes another one of its shots against science with a
piece by Michael Asten who claims:
A recent peer-reviewed paper by Svetlana Jevrejeva from Britain's National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool, provides a calculation of 0.6m-1.6m by 2100 using a range of climate models. However,…
December 11, 2010
To their credit The Australian has published an article by David McKnight:
On climate issues The Australian still gives voice to a global PR campaign largely originated by the oil and coal companies of the US. On this score genuinely sceptical journalism is missing in action. Instead, an…
December 11, 2010
By popular request sunspot has his/her own thread. This is the only thread that sunspot can post to, and all replies to any comment to sunspot should go here.
December 8, 2010
David Rose is notorious for fabricating quotes to misrepresent scientists. Now he's doing the same thing to climate data. The UK Met Office recently reported that 2010 is "on track to become first or second warmest in the instrumental record". Rose sprung into action, wrting a news story denying…
December 5, 2010
Chris Mitchell, defending against the charge that The Australian's coverage of climate change is biased, said:
What people do not like is that I publish people such as Bjorn Lomborg. I will continue to do so, but would suggest my environment writer, Graham Lloyd, who is a passionate…
December 1, 2010
Chris Mitchell's spokesperson says:
Editor in chief Editor In Chief of The Australian newspaper Chris Mitchell has invited Canberra academic Julie Posetti to visit the offices of The Australian newspaper to observe news conference, and see operations for herself.
Mitchell's offer is contained in a…